one is taller than the other. I think I will put the taller one in soil and perhaps keep the other using just rock wool? I will flip the switch on these in a little over a week. should be a good time with these. everything I read sounded good. my first soil grow on these as well.
Happy growing! Will be watching as I have one outdoors that should start to flower in the next few weeks. She is about 8 feet tall now and was a very fast grower for me.
@blendmedmedman, here appeared a Question mark : "3 ?12 weeks" When do you put the pollen? at the end of the flowering? Nice to know that they develop way faster than flowers. Survivor Instinct rules!!
@Psilocubensis, I put the pollen on the flowering branch at 3 ?12 weeks. I used a brush and put the pollen on, then covered the branch for 24 hours. I would pluck one seed here and there to check to see if the seed was hard or soft. from what I read everything said to do so, a squeeze on the seeds. I did partial harvest and let the seeded branch go longer. I think it will be a nice mix as well. hope that helps?
@Welovephattrees420uk, yes I bagged the branch for 24 hours. got a little over a 100 from the branch. there are some seeds here and there I found 1 so far but I am ok with that. cheers
@kanda19,no I think they are done with the stretch or close to it, I only got to veg them for like 4 weeks though, they are right now around 3 1/2 feet. 12 feet nice as long as you have the room
Happy growing! Will be watching as I have one outdoors that should start to flower in the next few weeks. She is about 8 feet tall now and was a very fast grower for me.
@blendmedmedman, grasshoppers have been s nuisance this year for sure, but other than that not too bad so far.
Happy growing! I hope you get the outdoor garden of your dreams in the future. This has been an amazing experience! They amaze me every day.