She was easy growing
I didn't have to feed her much she was fast &strong
The buds are very dark, dense & with a lot of sticky resin.
The taste is strong & it has a calming effect on the body in combination with an alert high.
The wonderfull aroma is also worth mentioning 😍
She'll be in my garden next year making magic!
64 days after i planted her seed directly in a pot outside 😱the reaper came, i hung her upside down for 6days then cut her &put her on a net to dry some more
While cutting I found some little catterpillars about 5 guess that were the eggs that I found on some of the plants last week.☺️
After a few days drying on the net i weighed it:53,6gr
The taste is great
I'm very happy with the result catterpillars included☺️
The smiley from my diary is gone it must be on my face now
I got some nice smokes of this delicious plant 😍
Will grow more of these next summer for sure!☺️