Week 7 update :
Finally feeling like I’m getting close to the end with these girls!
CP#3 has really started showing off compared to the other two girls. I’m seeing a fair amount of cloudy trichomes on her and the underside of her leaves has started to fade out. She’s the frostiest of them all so far!
CP#2, on the other hand, is struggling due to Wpm. It’s clear that the plant took a bit of a toll bc of this.
CP#1 is the bud beast, her buds have not stopped swelling and are looking very inviting
Towards the end of week three to about the middle of the 3rd week she will stretch good in that's time frame the first 9 days you don't get much she got a lot more to give. mine I was worried about same time has you but she took off towards the end of week 2 of flower