Well well well... things are starting to get interesting now. They have really started to develop their flowers now and putting on the Trichomes. Everything is mostly healthy but i did get a slight thrip problem. I have introduced some predatory mites to hopefully prevent this becoming a problem.
Other than that everything is going well and plodding along. Just waiting for the colas to really develop now.
Feeding still on the high end and loving it, I will be giving it another flush towards the middle of the next week just to ensure no salt build up.
Anyway stay tuned for more.
@Budd7, That figure is representative of a per square meter scrog kinda set up. So they have a lot of plants over a certain area so it yields about 500g psqm
Hey man thanks for answering my grow question. I went with the other answer but am hoping your answer holds true also. It is only 3-4 seeds across 2 buds out of the whole plant. Its coming down this week now anyways.