Day 29 little more training and a watering today.
Day 31 took an hour off for the lights. Seeing if it will cause some stretch with my autos and cool my tent down a little. Down a couple degrees when I took the pics. Also noticed that the top right limb snapped during training 😤 although I have 6 limbs growing and might just cut the top off and go Quadline grow and try taking that top and cloning it for a friend
Day 34 Sorry for my missed update for yesterday. Will upload it with today’s updated pictures. So I had to water everyone in the tent yesterday and so I have added for 5he first time 2.5Tbsp of Black Strap Molasses into my 2G watering can for all 8 of the plants. Not much showing now but expect a bigger change come tomorrow.
Day 35 ok big changes you can see. Removed the big fan leaves as they were blocking all the light for any new limbs to develop from. Little more training to expose them to the light and will hopefully see them start to grow upwards soon. That top growth with the tape was removed shortly after the picture was taken but will try to clone I& still viable. I have 7 limbs shooting off from the stem. Might even remove that healthy top growth for clone as well to bring it to 6 limbs shooting out, should expose them to better light and get new growth happening on the limbs as well. Also started to add some nutrients to the grow with today’s watering