5éme semaine de croissance, la plante ne prend pas énormément de cm, auriez vous une idée pour laquelle sa semble pousser au ralentit ?
5th week of growth, the plant does not take a lot of cm, would you have an idea why it seems to grow slower?
Hitting week 7 of bloom with our Purple Moby Dick and those buds look amazing 🤗
Getting fat, dripping in trichomes and starting to develop some lovely Purple colours 👌
Looking good in here 👍
All the best ✌️
@DinafemSeeds, Hi Mark, on both plants we can see a lot of trichomes well sticky with a good smell. In contrast to the purple color I noticed that only one presented this phenotype.
To wait a little longer.
Nice to see another Purple Moby Dick grow up and running on this great platform 👍
Let the flowering fun begin. Good luck my friend, We are watching with great interest 🤗
All the best ✌️
Salutation Mark, first of all thank you for the interest you have in my grow.
The mythical whale, a variety that I always wanted to try.
Yes I would say another 30 to 40 days of flowering to be completed.
Other photos will arrive soon.
Sincerely Vee.