Still on cruise control. Did a big defol on the lower leaves, opened her up quite a bit.
Shes still waiting to switch to full on flower but she is starting to stretch now.
quality work hombre - she gonna yield plenty phat nuggs 💪 now how long they last you is another matter! 😳
majorly impressed - hell to the mutha fookin yeah baby! 👊👊👊
Might be looking a little light green hombre but you still got a multitude of bud sites. Love that lady and she'll show you her........hmmm.....ah yes......t.....nope....that's it.....yes.....she'll show you her fruit! 😁
how i love seeing a stripper reveal her wares!!! although I wish that pasty shoe wasn't ruining the shot! mwah hahahahahahahahah.
good work homie - hopefully the benefits of a heavy defol will show shortly.
she's showing her lady parts - yeah baby...and she has many. the perv that you are must be in a permanent state of arousal! 👺
on a slightly more serious note that's mint work right there. a doff of the cap sir! 👏