A late welcome brother...
I like your worksheet. Wondering if you have a light meter? Better yet a PAR meter.
I think keeping track of your top canopy PAR reading is also very useful.
Just my two cents... What do I know, I just started this year and only started on my second strain a month ago.
I am actually trying out different techniques, organic vs synthetics, amendments vs compost tea vs straight nuets and so on. So if you want to test something out and don't want to do it on your grow please let me know and I will see if I can incorporate that into my grow.
Happy Growing,
@juicepro,with the Grow Book you can't do it wrong, everything you need to know is inside, that book helps you to stay away from problems, except one ... a massive trimming job to do when harvest 😄
I am also in the GB cult :)....
Love his weekend streams...
I told him about this site a few months back and he liked it a lot....
Happy Growing brothers,
I don't live where you can buy clones... what's it's cost if you don't mind?
And PS, humidity in the 40s is too low... I have the same problem.. just got a sweet 200$ humidifier used took it home hooked it up couldn't figure out why it wasn't working... yea it's a dehumidifier 🙈😡
@JUNGLE_B4RNS, cost about $60 but a lot of labor cutting the pieces and enlarging the squares, Do you think I'm ready to flower or should I wait another week or 2 for the grid to fill out more?
My temps stay between 79-83 lights on.. I had to get a humidifyer to get the humidity up to 60ish, that seemed to help.. but my shit still grows slow..
Check out @b4rns diaries he has a VPD chart that shows a good temp to humidity range scale that is easy to understand...
@Fun_Growin, mine haven’t grown much this week, I think the high temps are slowing them down. I have usually already transplanted into 5 gal pots by now.
Love seeing those leaves change, then you know it's harvest time..
Why do you trim your plants still in the pots? Do you let them go a few more days? Isn't that a huge pain in the ass?
Shit I'm so lazy I refuse to whole plant trim at all, I just use a drying rack, I don't have the focus or paciance for trimming the tree
@Fun_Growin, I find it easier to trim while it's still on the plant. I set the pot on a chair so it's high enough to trim while i"m standing up. It took 18hrs to get it all done.
I would say your ready to flower, your canopy is 85% plus filled and I assume the are spread out about 4x4... and your canopy is 10" deep or so it looks... I'd say it's time to let these girls become women
Whatever works for each person :)
I chop the plant down, cut it into single sticks, sit my ass on the sofa with a trim bin, some smoke and a cold drink and kick my feet up watching The Office on Netflix :)