Philindicuscommentedweek 35 years ago
Hey there, it looks like your growing indoors? What kind of light are you using? I would raise it to the maximum height recommended by the manufacturer until they recover. First you need to use a cool mist humidifier in your grow tent and get your humidity up into the 65% humidity range using this may even help lower the temperature a bit for you. Their root system is too small to pull enough water to keep the leaves happy this is one possible reason. Add a small clip on circulation fan to move air around in your tent but not directly blowing on your seedlings. You can also try to have your lights off during the hottest times of the day. For example lights off at 10:00 am lights on at 4:00 pm. Also if you have time fill us in a bit more on your soil mix, fertilizers, lights and wattage to give us a better idea of your set up.