
CaliXX White Widow Auto x 90's Widow BX3

5 years ago
CaliXX White Widow Auto
Room Type
weeks Technique
Grow medium
19 L
Pot Size
CaliXX White Widow Auto
Custom Breeder & Strain
Growing it
The Outcome
Week 9
Reviews. Nutrient
Reviews. Lamp
Commented by
CaliXX CaliXX
5 years ago
So this grow was a nightmare, simply because it was far too vigorous and the yield too high. I know that sounds ridiculous, but it was just too much yield, trimming and product for a hobby. The white widow is a bit of a pain in that all of the popcorn down the entire stem dries to dense, glowing marbles, so you end up having to trim EVERYTHING. The whole plant provides usable finished product. Most would find this a bonus, but this grow just had too many, and it crossed the line from fun to work. Even with the copper bases, the roots grew through and clogged the autopots in the last couple weeks, which caused ongoing flooding issues. In the end, the latest version from Greenhouse beat out the back cross in pretty much all aspects, so they've clearly spent the last couple decades improving the strain. Yield came in around 17 oz per 9 square feet, and that is with the Cobs switched off for the last month or so due to the calmag issues.
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Psilocubensiscommentedweek 45 years ago
How is that air dome inside the soil? How much L/h of air is in there? Nice to see that... tell me more
Psilocubensiscommented5 years ago
@CaliXX, Do you keep it 24/7? By doing that, anything else changes? I believe that you have to water more frequently... I feel that If I do that, my roots are going to get dry or something... But i'll keep that on mind for the future. Maybe even an outdoor, how knows... If you could, please post pictures!
CaliXXcommented5 years ago
@Psilocubensis, Ah ok, they're just on cheap 3600 L/H air pumps that have 6-outlet manifolds. The pumps are suspended to keep the vibration down. The air domes themselves are the official autopot brand, and are also quite inexpensive. They definitely fit any type of pot or smart pot, probably 2 gallons or greater. These also have a simple, cheap aquarium air pump check valve in each line to prevent any solution back flow.
Psilocubensiscommented5 years ago
@CaliXX, My imagination went to far from reality when trying to imagine what is this air dome inside your pot. I like to see new systems, nnd now by the reference (autopot) I got how that works! L/H is liters per Hour, the strength of the airpump. I'll search more about this dome, and see if it fits inside smart pots, nice to meet this technique.
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Ferenccommentedweek 95 years ago
Really beautiful @CaliXX