These girls are looking great this week. Vigor growth. Responded very well to lst. Was thinking about going 14 more days before 12-12 switch, but I don’t know yet 🤔I’ve never grown photos before so I’m open to any advice 🙏
hey there skuba, try lowering the lights as much as you can the last week of veg so the plant can "stock up" energy heading into flower, i've found it helps and did it on my own testers if you're looking for more info 👊 🚀
@Skuba, yeah seems like you can go at least another 4 inches down check this out : , dont worry about coverage that much the way light loses intensity what you make up in coverage you'll have lost twice over for the "low intensity" . Best thing is to add bars to the tent for the sides and the corners. Especially if you're not concerned about temps, go for it ! Hope this helps 🚀
@CRiSPrGrow,🙏thank you. I did end up moving them a little closer, I got them at 18 inches. You think I could them move them closer? it’s an air cooled hood 600w? I’m more worried about light coverage.🧐