growdoctordccommentedweek 105 years ago
You’ve been advised wisely by @Philindicus
Auto correct will getchya every time whether you type or speak the word pistils! The silent T doesn’t help I found. Prompts me to design a cap slogan:
Make America Stoned
More Pistils. Less Pistols
Red pistils are often a false sign of readiness, caused by heat or low humidity (you want low RH during flower) or maybe genetic to the strain. You will want a digital microscope to get a good look at your trichomes. Over time you will learn to associate the type of high you most enjoy with overall trichome color/cloudiness. Even after many years of growing I recently misjudged maturity with my naked eye - she looked ready! But a quick look under the mic proved she is several weeks away. You only recently discovered you need to monitor pH. You will be very happy with the performance of your microscope because it helps you harvest at the correct time. Enjoy!
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