I have taste 1 spliff and 1 bang of Green Poison before Jarring it. The spliff makes me sleep when I was tired and the bang turned me into a smiling zombie ... it's important to underline that I've smoked these not the same day so both experiences makes me sleepy.
I've tried to play Apex Legends under that weed effect and .... nothing good came out Haha, I've made top 2 or 3 but I wasn't playing good as my eyes were shutting down by themselves.
I think it's necessary to warm you that I've harvested with a lot of amber trichomes so I'm not complaining about that sleepy effect as I was obviously searching for it , I'm just surprised that it's a so deep effect.
The taste is amazing ❤️💛💚 citrus with pineaple and sugar ! You can feel a hint of pepper or something peppery in the after taste but the fruits taste are conquering you mouth.