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Week 1. Vegetation
5 years ago
7.62 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
60 %
20 °C
19 L
0 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 1
This is my first grow! I grow hops so im hoping its kinda similar 😂 I germinated 3 seeds in water (ph 6.5) and then placed in a damp paper towel sprayed with neutral ph water again and place in a ziplock in a dark drawer (temp 75f ) . After the seeds where 1-2 cms. placed each in a 5 gl fabric container with fox farm ocean crest soil. All seeds sprouted within a day or so! I Also planted a seed directly in a 2 gal pot with the same soil and no prior germination tricks. I wanted to se A) how long and when the seed will pop and B) I want to see if the 2 gal has any adverse affect on growth apposed to my 5 gal auto flower plants. If the yields are noticeably different I will know how much I can cram into my small 3x3 grow space aha. Wish me Luck! ill post updates underneath... 9/6-Placed 3 seeds in moist paper towel @ 75F 9/7- Aprox 26 hours later, planted seeds w/ tap roots facing down about 1/16" deep in its final pot (5 gallon fabric pot) 9/8- Planted one ungerminated seed 1/16" deep in its final pot (3 gallon fabric pot) 9/9- Each seed sprouted so for a first timer I was excited about this! 9/12- My experiment was a success and the seed planted straight into soil has sprouted. The only problem was I must've planted a little to shallow because the seed got stuck on the head of the cotyledon and I had to manually remove . I didn't think I damaged the plant but I noticed 2 days later that it only has one actual leaf. 9/14- All 3 five gallon plants have true leaves forming
1 comment
Week 2. Vegetation
5 years ago
7.62 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
49 %
23 °C
19 L
0 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 1
(9/16) -Growth looks like its at a good pace for most my babies =D! -I have been watering once a night with Rhizotonic about half a cup per plant, sometimes a little more (using only distilled water and adjusting pH to 6.2-6.5) (9/18) -Its clear HULK B is going to be the stronger of the bunch but HULK A is really trying to catch up to its sister. -HULK C is a lot smaller, I tried moving it into HULK Bs original spot thinking it was a light issue but turns out she's just a lil slow-ish aha. Ill be sure to monitor HULK C's progression as we move into week 3. (9/19) -I was on a 18 hour light schedule but I switched it over to 22 hrs on veg/bloom lights 24" away from the plants to hopefully speed up veg. -Temp is on average 73 f @ lights off with a average of 49% air humidity so far. The lights out happens noon-2pm, this way its happens when its warm in my apartment. The LED gives off sufficient heat for the coldish night we are starting to get that's why Im changing up the lighting schedule. (for now at least) (9/21) -After about a full 2 days of 22 on 2 hour off it looks like my plants are possibly evening out! (9/22) -Looks like the plants are starting to grow fast here at the end of week 2. Excited to see these things boom the next following weeks. *Experiment Update* The seed I had planted in a 2 gallon pot popped last week and around 9/13 formed its first true leaf. Its missing a leaf because the seed casing got trapped on its head and I had to remove it myself. I tried to be gentile but wasn't gentile enough it seems (oops!) but its looking good, a little slow but that's fine.
Week 3. Vegetation
5 years ago
22.86 cm
22 hrs
24 °C
50 %
23 °C
19 L
0 L
66.04 cm
Nutrients 8
Medusa’s Magic - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Medusa’s Magic 2.604 mll
Gaia Mania - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Gaia Mania 2.604 mll
Herculean Harvest - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Herculean Harvest 1.302 mll
Started week 3 and did my first "big" neut feed. Kept it pretty modest. Using Nectar For the Gods because I've used it on my hop plants with great success. Growth is steady and it looks like HULK A/HULK B are basically caught up while C looks 2-3 days behind her sisters =) I wanted to start some LST for the first time and get over the fear lol. I chose HULK A because her roots are easier to manipulate. I might jus grow the other to girls as is for now since its my first grow and I want to find out what works best for my situation. what do you guys think about my grow so far? any advice for the LST? do my plants look healthy ?
Used techniques
Week 4. Vegetation
5 years ago
30.48 cm
20 hrs
24 °C
50 %
23 °C
19 L
0 L
66.04 cm
Nutrients 7
Medusa’s Magic - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Medusa’s Magic 2.6 mll
Gaia Mania - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Gaia Mania 2.6 mll
Herculean Harvest - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Herculean Harvest 4 mll
Beginning of the week recap: Plant A is bouncing back from LST beautifully every time. I also began LST on my 2 gal plant in hopes I can squeeze a little more bud out of it 😎 Continuing with the NFTG advanced feeding schedule this week. End of the week recap: The LST is effectively working . on day 28 all three plants have around 6-7 nodes growing and I'm starting to spot bud sites. I did defoliate the bottom leaves on HULK B and I defoliated a few other leaves on A, both seem to be OK and not stunned. HULK D the 2 gallon experiment seems very happy to ! I started the LST earlier like I probably should've with the others. its going a lot easier.
Used techniques
Week 5. Vegetation
5 years ago
38.1 cm
20 hrs
24 °C
50 %
23 °C
19 L
0 L
66.04 cm
Nutrients 7
Medusa’s Magic - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Medusa’s Magic 2.604 mll
Gaia Mania - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Gaia Mania 2.604 mll
Herculean Harvest - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Herculean Harvest 3.906 mll
10/8 - Looks like another week of veg for the HULKS. I see small neut burn on the lower leaves on HULK B but overall the health of the plants are good. -Continued with NFTG feeding this week as well. 10/10 - well shit......................looks like I might've forgot to ph my nutrient feed with NFTG which is pretty critical and HULK B is starting to suffer. I waited 3 days to see if it was intact my error and it looks like I did actually harm it so I flushed it with 3x the recommended amount of ph'd water. I really hope she bounces back. -leaves are drooped and you can spot neut burns. -other plants actually seem fine from the un PH'd feed. I used fox farm sledge hammer to facilitate the flush . 10/11 -HULK B's leaves are perking up, looks like the flush helped!
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Used techniques
Week 6. Flowering
5 years ago
45.72 cm
20 hrs
24 °C
54 %
23 °C
19 L
0 L
66.04 cm
Nutrients 8
Medusa’s Magic - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Medusa’s Magic 2.604 mll
Gaia Mania - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Gaia Mania 2.604 mll
10/14-its clear these babes want to flower. HULK A,C, and D are doing fine/bouncing back from my error in week 5. HULK B seems to have been affected the most and is trying to recover. -Im not going to neut feed until the middle of the week depending on how the plants look! 10/15- Watered with Rhizotonic to aid the plants. 10/18- Plants are growing again! and looking happy! all is well. 10/20- Last day of the week but I decided it was time to feed. I started the first round of bloom feed. P.S sorry about the purple light in all my photos! I broke the zipper to my grow tent so taking them out is super hard! I will try and take better photos here on out!
Used techniques
Grow Questions
DOOBS_N_BREWSstarted grow question 5 years ago
Does it look like HULK B has a neut burn problem or deficiency problem? Ive gone a almost a full week of just PH balanced waterings and no feeding, should I go one more week of no neuts or continue as normal?
Leaves. Tips - Burnt
Mrs_Larimaranswered grow question 5 years ago
Its hard to tell anything in the purple light, the only thing i can see is burnt tips from to much nitrogen..... well and if the colourleave is drkgreen too. Then go on with only water. Automatics are sometims picky. Some strains need as well as no nutrients. So keep it like now only water and maybe some beneficalstuff like molasses ans silica. Give her only one time in th eweek a feeding with less than half amount , than recommended. Then look how they respond. They are sitting in big pots and looks like they have enough nutrition for now.
Week 7. Flowering
5 years ago
45.72 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
55 %
23 °C
19 L
0 L
66.04 cm
Nutrients 9
Medusa’s Magic - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Medusa’s Magic 2.604 mll
Gaia Mania - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Gaia Mania 2.604 mll
10/21(day 43) -Its the start of week 7 and all is good. Im happy with the progress these plants have made even with my newbie error last week. Im going to start the week off with a small water of pH balanced water. 10/22(day 44) -Watered all pants with rhizotonic and pH'd water. Also misted the rhizotonic from under the fan leaves. 10/23(day 45) -HULK A is really exploding in growth right now. PH seems to handle LST well. -HULK B is flowering faster but the growth is slow and its falling behind HULK C height wise . -HULK D is evening out which is cool to see 10/24(day 46) -Added another 200W . daisy chained them together. 10/25(day 47) -I think the plants have already responded well to the new light. -HULK A/C are now larger than HULK B my healthiest seedling. All plants have recovered from my mistake in week 5 but B is a little stubborn. 10/27(day 49) -Eniding the week nicely with leaves looking healthy and plants overall health looking great. Real happy with the new light.
Week 8. Flowering
5 years ago
55.88 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
55 %
23 °C
19 L
0 L
30.48 cm
Im not sure I notice any purple or pink on the buds .idk but looking good regardless!! =D. Started the week off with just a Ph'd watering. 10/29(day 51) Check out that main cola =) pretty happy so far with my first grow even with the fuck ups. 10/31(day 53) Plants are looking good. about to leave for the weekend so I won't be able to update Friday and Saturday photos. 11/03(day 56) Notice my leaves are purpling on HULK B when I got back from my trip.
Week 9. Flowering
5 years ago
60.96 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
40 %
20 °C
19 L
0 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 6
RAW Nitrogen - NPK Industries
RAW Nitrogen 0.326 mll
RAW Phosphorus - NPK Industries
RAW Phosphorus 0.25 mll
RAW Potassium - NPK Industries
RAW Potassium 0.25 mll
Possible second to last week flowering running into week 9. The buds are coming out of every corner. some are small and some are large. I tried a variety of methods when I starting this grow so seeing the final results will definitely help me with my next grows. 10/6(day 58) -did minor defoliation on some of the plants. Im still not 100% on this tactic but I notice a lot of people on this website doing it successfully. 10/7(day 59) - plants are chugging along... I will say the buds are growing nicely but I haven't noticed any purpling yet. 10/9(day 62) - Lollipopped HULK D and did minor defoliations on other plants to expose to the lights -I lowered the lights to hopefully faten the colas up a bit more. 10/10(day 63) -HULK B started out the strongest and looks to be finishing in flowering the fastest as well but it has the least amount of actual bud on the overall plant. It has a lot of small buds and one giant beautiful main cola . did I say beautiful? I mean loooook at those trichomes 😍
Used techniques
Week 10. Flowering
5 years ago
60.96 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
40 %
20 °C
19 L
0 L
25.4 cm
Nutrients 8
Bloom Khaos - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Bloom Khaos 3.906 mll
Herculean Harvest - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Herculean Harvest 11.719 mll
Aphrodite’s Extraction - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Aphrodite’s Extraction 2.604 mll
-I stopped defoliating the plants this week and let them recover from any stress and they didn't even seem phased. -Temps in my apartment are dropping at night as we get into the 30F nights so the leaves are starting purp up which is good because I thought these would be a lot more purple than they are. Regardless the buds smell fantastic and are loaded with crystals. -HULK B looks like its a few days ahead of the rest, probably because it was shocked so much by my mess up in week 4. -I watered every other day this week with Bloom Khaos, Aphrodite's Extraction, and Herculean harvest and then did one big feed with all the nutrients the last day. -I have been feeding at 6.8 PH for the late flower stage with the NFTG line
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Used techniques
Week 11. Flowering
5 years ago
60.96 cm
18 hrs
21 °C
40 %
20 °C
19 L
1 L
25.4 cm
Nutrients 1
Bush Doctor Sledgehammer - Fox Farm
Bush Doctor Sledgehammer 6.51 mll
11/18(day 71)- My nutrient feeds are over as now and now I will do straight tap water phd to 6.8. Watered today used 1 gal for all four plants. 11/19(day 72)-No water today 11/20(day 73)- No water, Purpling with the colder temps at night for sure. 11/21(day 74)- Watered heavily with 6.8ph water. 11/22(day 75)- No water 11/23(day 76)- No water/ not much has changed 11/24(day 77)- Watered heavily at 6.8 ph with fox farm sledgehammer
1 like
Week 12. Flowering
5 years ago
60.96 cm
18 hrs
21 °C
40 %
20 °C
19 L
1 L
25.4 cm
Nutrients 1
Bush Doctor Sledgehammer - Fox Farm
Bush Doctor Sledgehammer 6.51 mll
We made it! The FINAL week =) plants looking beautiful, trichomes shining, everything is going just fine 👍Im going to do one or two more waterings and then once Thursday roles around its lights off ! -I watered really good on day 78(Nov 25) and then I stopped watering completely so I could start the process and make it a little easier to dry. Starting day 81(Nov 28) I put the plants in complete darkness until Day 84(Dec 1). The temp has been low without the lights on, probably sat at 62 F the entire time with very low humidity (28-32%RH)
Week 13. Harvest
5 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
I really enjoyed growing these plants, they grew strong! I had to give it a 7 due to some genetic issues I noticed but MSNL made sure to make it right. The buds taste great and smells better! The plants have an intense berry/fruit aroma that was very pleasant and the flavor was piney/ herbal with a hint of. Smoke is not harsh, very smooth thick white smoke which compliments a nicely rolled dube😎
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Spent 85 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
94.97 g
Bud wet weight per plant
34.02 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Relaxed, Sleepy
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects
Berries, Herbs, Pine

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
It took 84 days start to finish with these ladies. It was fun watching them grow and I definitely learned a lot during my first indoor run of autos. In this journal I performed multiple experiments throughout the entire grow to see how each plant would react and what would happen in order to find out what works best for me. ~Plant info and types of training performed on each~ HULK A- 5 gal airpot/ Fox Farm OF soil/ LST/ Slight defoliation after week 8 HULK B- 5 gal airpot/Fox Farm OF soil/ *NO LST*/ Defoliation starting week 4 HULK C- 5 gal airpot/Fox Farm OF soil/*NO LST*/ *NO DEFOLIATION* HULK D- 3 gal airpot/ Fox Farm OF soil/ germ in soil/ LST/ Defoliation starting week 4/ Heavy nutrient feeds ~My personal thoughts on my experiments and how they turned out~ HULK A- My biggest plant by far. She started off slow but finished strong. The minimum defoliation I did wasn't to much stress and she recovered fast from everything including my week 4 mess up. I think with less nutrients I could've had an even bigger plant. The LST definitely worked with purple hulk and I would recommend doing it to improve yields 100%. HULK B- I started out having very high expectations for this plant because it had vigorous growth during early veg weeks. I started defoliating week 4 which might've been to early and she got stressed and on top of that I messed up my feed week 4 and burned her and she never really recovered. The shock threw her into to flower way faster than the others and she finished a week faster. LST would have helped her get bigger buds. HULK C- The odd one out, the only actual some what purple phenotype. This lady was strong from start to finish. I grew her as is for everything until about week 9 n then I got rid of a few leaves that covered the main colas. She recovered quickly from neut burn in week 4 and stoped growing at 25" tall . She's def my tallest plant and second largest yielder. I just loved looking at this beautiful plant, all her buds where nice and dense , but still she didn't yield as much as she could've with a little LST. I just like the natural shape of the plant =) HULK D- The little plant that could. This plant really shocked me. It finished in 70 something days apposed to 84 like her sisters. It might've been me and the heavy neut feeding but regardless for her size she produced huge dense colas and 3 oz total wet. She handled the LST right from the get go and also light defoliation didn't seem to bother her either. *Curing Update* After drying for 7 days on a rack in complete darkness and 40% RH I moved into mason jars filled with boveda 62%RH packs and burped twice a day for 20 minutes for around two weeks straight. The bud really developed its berry aroma/flavor after sitting in jars for just about a month. *update 2* After a month of curing this bud is definitely becoming a favorite of mine for its awesome affects/ medicinal qualities and the uniqueness of the aroma and taste. Another smell that's strong after curing is church incense, which isn't a option above, this strain definitely is dominated by berries and the smell of burning incense. thank you grow diaries and ripper seeds!! snagging 2nd was a real honor. I received my seeds here in the states and it only took 3 weeks not bad! so stoked


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GanjaFarmerGrowcommentedweek 15 years ago
Good luck with Your Grow BRO 😊
JUNGLE_B4RNScommentedweek 65 years ago
My dear fellow grower... my eyes are to old to be able to see any symptoms to diagnose anything under the LED color ... 😊
JinksyGrowscommentedweek 135 years ago
Yo! Congrats on placing in NOTM!!! Great job! Welcome to your new obsession my friend, hahah. Solid job, well deserved. 👍😉 Keep. On. Going!
DOOBS_N_BREWScommented5 years ago
@JinksyGrows, YOO! thanks so much! so stoked. The obsession is real my dude ! aha
GanjaSmoker88commentedweek 105 years ago
Good Job! 💪👌👊👍🙏🙌
DOOBS_N_BREWScommented5 years ago
@GanjaSmoker88, thanks man!
HydroGrowLEDcommentedweek 95 years ago
DOOBS_N_BREWScommented5 years ago
TrueNorthcommentedweek 35 years ago
Are you going to top them!?
DOOBS_N_BREWScommented5 years ago
@TrueNorth, I don't think I'll top this time around. Im planning on topping next time around to see how much of a difference it makes for me.
DankGardenercommentedweek 65 years ago
She is showing signs of slight burning. When you feed soil with nutrients you want a cycle of feed water water feed. Basically a feeding once a week. So yes feed again. Just lower the amount you where giving them. Remember autos don't require the same amount as a photoperiod. They use far less.
Bashgrowsitall1989commentedweek 55 years ago
Good luck with you're grow buddy! Plants are looking a lovely healthy green and really starting too Bush out, check out my diary - mine are doing the same right now
Lastofmykindcommentedweek 134 years ago
You are very lucky on your Purple Hulks Just got some A 10/40 germination Rate.....25% is too low. Very disappointed with msln I feel my seeds were bad because the Widow Auto, Gel auto and GG auto came out 14/15 seeds....I bought them all together. It's more with bad seeds that germination technicque it seems. Feeling kinda bummed.
the end.
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