This is my first grow ever,hadn't even grew a simple bean on cotton before lol.
I directly put seeds into soil on 19th,they sprouted on 22th and put them under 400W MH light on 23th.
The distance between light and girls is 55cm.
I live in a very dry area where the humidity was only %28 for first 3 days and the temperature while lights are on reached 36 degree celsius !!!
Got worried about babies at first but they looked quite healthy.I bought a humidifier and now the humidity while lights on is %40 and I'm happy about it because I know that I can't reach more than this.When lights are off,humidity varies between 43-50.
As the weather gets colder outside,I think I'm gonna be able to control the heat.
No nutritients yet,I'm gonna follow Tang's easy auto feeding schedule + voodo juice.
The babies got watered once after they have been put under the light and the quantity was only 1.5 lt per pot.The soil is still humid and I don't want to water them until the soil feels dry enough.
I got 2 oscillating fans(one directly aiming at reflector and the other one aiming between light and pots) and an exhaust fan.
Anyway,let's see how it goes on.
Thanks for any advice and comment.
Btw,I got a Youtube channel where I upload my deep house mixes,just search for 909 Lounge.If any of you love that kind of music,they could check it and give some reviews maybe,lol,sorry for out of topic info :D
@909toomuch, Bu bitki lifli oldugundan istedigin gibi eğip bukebiliyorsun ama ben fazla kastirdim kirildi 😂😂😂 greencrack te var birlikte büyüyorlar oda nazli gelin gibi kendi strese girdikce bende strese giriyorum 😂
@Joint,aynen,yetiştirmesi çok kolay bunların da.Hiçbir ekstra istemedi bitkiler.Ama ilk growum olduğu için ben de LST'yi çekine çekine yaptım,hatta yapamadım sayılır bakma.Fotolarda siyah ipler görüyorsun,onlarla büktüm ama işte çok yapamadım zaten el becerime hiç güvenmiyorum,saldım büyüdüler :)
@Bones_1986,the area İm living in is really dry&cold . My humidifier is only able to lower temps while lights on,no humidity increasing.i would surely want to keep it between 35-50 in this part of process but conditions are a bit challenging here.Today it rained though,humidity is 45 at the moment.But anyway,girls dont seem to care about it that much,growing well
@909toomuch, keeping within the recommended guideline shows paying attention really does pay off 👍🏻👍🏻
Humidity doesn’t really have to be that low just yet so don’t stress to much over it. I certainly wouldnt want it no lower than that,
Gorilla Glue loves cal-mag for sure.
Gonna follow your process
@Bones_1986,thank you mate,much appreciated.Besides they(especially Girl Scout Cookies and Blackberry) don't want anything special,I'm just applying Tang's Easy Auto Feeding Schedule + some CalMag. I'm just trying to keep the environment optimal,humidity,temp etc
@909toomuch, hayirlisi kanka. Daha fazla yield verecegini dusunmuyorum ya cok ghetto oldu benim ki. isiklar falan dandik 😄 vay be butun denemek istedigim strainleri yazdin. Basarilarinin devamini diliyorum 👍
@420blazin,floweringe geçtikten sonra uçacaklardır,merak etme.Anahtarı birine bırak ilgilensin madem gideceksen.Bir iki gün bakma,üçüncü gün farklı bir şey görebiliyorsun.Ama seninki benimkinden daha fazla yield verecektir.Bakarsın 3 hafta içinde de olur.
Bundan sonra sanırım pineapple express,mexican airlines ve durban poison auto olacak.Ama seedsman büyük sıkıntı çıkardı,gönderimde sıkıntılar var diyor başka nerden sipariş edebilirim onu araştırıyorum.
@909toomuch, kanka hic sorma cok buyuk stresteyim zamanim kisitli ogrenciyim yilbasinda eve donmem lazim yilbasina kadar biter oyle donerim diye tahmin ediyodum. Benim kiz inatci cikti buyudukce buyuyo daha yeni cicek acmaya basladi tahminimce 3 hafta yeterli olmayacak nasil yalniz birakcam ben bu kizi hic bilmiyorum 😄 insallah beni sasirtirda yilbasina kadar biter. Simdi sirada hangi strain var kanka 😄?
@909toomuch,don't let me scare ya haha your buds are doing great and that's really all that matters. As long as the flowers aren't stalling you're perfectly fine this late in the game (week 7).
@Leeyum,thanks for you comment mate,much appreciated.GSC and GG were what exactly I wanted to go with in my first grow + Pineapple express (so that I can watch that movie again while smoking PE lol ) but it was out of stock so I bought Blackberry.I'm happy about it because it grows so well,without wanting anything extra,you know.It looks great as well.
So,I'm going to cut off the bottom dead leaves,right? They are older leaves that appeared in vegging,I heard it's normal when plant goes into flowering but you said it could be nutrient lockout and I'm a bit worried about it right now.They seem loving the feed and I don't see any nut burn signs but I'll be keeping an eye on it after your important words.
My feeding schedule is going according to Tang's Easy Auto Feedin Schedule and my ph level is the same as Tang's.But I'll definitely buy a ph calculator and ph buffer for my next grow.People talked about it a lot and I think I should pay attention.
Thanks again for comments and tips mate,I'll be in contact if any problem occurs. 👊
@909toomuch, thanks! The BB is really starting to fill out and the GG looks like it is not stunted, one of the very few I’ve seen that has some legs to her 👊
@AlaskanGrownCaliRaised, I'm also very excited about it mate,it just looks beautiful.She is going to get mass in the last weeks of process,I think.Thank you and good luck on your grows too,I'll be following them! 👊
Looking like a beautiful harvest buddy! The buds look beautiful and delicious and I'm sure they must smoke fantastically. I'm very excited for your hard work to have paid off on this beautiful girl. You did a beautiful and fantastic job buddy. You should be very proud of yourself. Great work. I can't wait to see more dank grows from you in the future. Cheers!
@DabCrab,dude thanks for such warm comment.I got what I was expecting,35 grams of cookies.For me,it's pretty good for a short plant that has almost no branches.The buds indeed look and taste beautiful.It's a nice new year gift to me,has purple in it and it tastes really elegant.But,I just harvested Blackberry.It is simply unbelievable,I can't describe it.Even resin dropped through late flowering phase,it tasted like honey.Wet sugar leaf smoke was fantastic,gonna update the diary soon.
@Eurus,gonna definitely try to bend more in the next one.As this is my first go,I was worried about breaking the stem but bent a little.Anyway this was a good practice for me.I know better now what should I do for the next party.Growing these beautiful plants is a great hobby.And having your own grown weed is priceless,you know 😋 Thank you for your comment and keep the room foggy lol