
Girl Scout Cookies - Organic Outdoor

5 years ago
Room Type
weeks 10
weeks 5, 10
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 6
Day Air Temperature
6+ conditions after
Freedom Farms - Fish Hydrolysate
2 ml/l
Freedom Farms - Probiotics - Freedom Farms
Freedom Farms - Probiotics
2 mll
Commented by
Epokwan Epokwan
5 years ago
This week saw a major growth spurt and first signs of pre-flowering on all 3. Training seems to be going well (I think). #1 pulled out the training wire without me noticing and has straightened on the major bend and stiffened up a bit in that location, so I'm just going to leave her main stem as it is, rather than try bend it back to how it was. I'll pull back some of the potential new colas as they get taller. She's much smaller than #2 and 5 days older. Very odd. I hope I'm doing this LST thing right and that it might actually increase yield. Any thoughts? I'm trying to make the canopy as even as I can. Did a slight bit of defoliation to clear open some bud sites. I'll back off the training when flowering gets more serious. I was tempted to leave them to just grow straight up with no training, but #2 is doing well and I'm a bit sad about the size of #3 and #1 so wanting to maximize yield here to make up for it as much as possible. Nevermind the 2 dead seeds right back at the start๐Ÿ˜ญ #3 is wasting an entire bag, I'm thinking of moving her into the same pot as #1 in the opposite corner and replacing with one of the Dutch Passion Auto's I'll be receiving soon. That's it for now, cheers ๐Ÿ˜‰
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Grow Questions
Epokwanstarted grow question 5 years ago
Hey all! Any ideas what is going on with my #3? If you look at previous weeks, she had some white spots start on the cotyledons, but it didn't seem to effect the new growth. #2 was planted at the same time and subject to the exact same watering and conditions and is thriving.
Leaves. Too many
KratkyGrowanswered grow question 5 years ago
Hi @Epokwan, It looks to me like you might have a bit of nutrient burn, what you said in your latest post sounds spot on. Organic stuff can also be really inconsistent with concentrations so you don't know exactly what you're giving your plants all the time. (or so I've read, I have no personal experience with it) I would suggest switching to plain water for the next few waterings, or do a flush or two with plain water. You're using a soil based method so it's difficult to test for exactly what your plants are getting, but if you collect the rinse water by watering the plant with plain water until water starts running out the bottom, you could test the rinse water to check pH and PPM. I suspect you'll find a really high PPM for such a young plant, for hydroponic applications PPM for a plant less than a month old should be under 800. Until flower phase, where PPM can go up to, and sometimes over 1000. Good luck! I'll be interested to see how they turn out!
Epokwanstarted grow question 5 years ago
My buds don't appear to have many pistils as they get fatter, shouldn't there be more visible pistils at this point?
Techniques. Defoliation
Fruitgroweranswered grow question 5 years ago
I'm guessing your days of sun have been too short. Being an autoflower they are used to climates that have much hotter longer days, to get their full potential, hence why it is so small and flowered very early! Not a massive yield but I bet its going to be gorgeous though. ๐ŸŒฑ๐Ÿ˜

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DaddyGimmyweek 7
Goodluck my friend โœŒ๏ธ
@DaddyGimmy, thanks bud :)
Madgas_Growz_Budzweek 4
All the best with your grow my RSA brother. will be following you.
@Madgas_Growz_Budz, thank you, friend!
Wachsemilianweek 1
good luck with your grow๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ‘
@Wachsemilian, appreciate it - thanks!
Fast_Budsweek 1
Hey there! Glad to see you got a diary going, thanks so much for growing Fast Buds ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ If you need any assistance, don't hesitate to let us know! Happy Growing! ๐Ÿ’š๐ŸŒฑ
@Fast_Buds, thanks guys!
Kostecsweek 10
Great job bud! Looking to grow some GSC by fast buds starting in May of 2020. Wondering if It will go good in Canada !!?!
@Epokwan, thanks for the great reply. Its appreciated
@Kostecs, for me it was, but in all fairness we had an irregular stretch of rain in flood proportions, and it just didn't seem to end for weeks. That gave me endless hassles with powdery mildew, and bud rot towards the end. Put it this way, the bud is still so damn good, I'd take the risk :) It's almost finished curing but I've been sneaking some to try out and it's potent! I'll be very sad when this bud runs out. Do your self a favour and try this, but also get a very sativa dominant strain to try out, they seem to handle hot, humid outdoors better than indicas in my experience. You will get more daylight hours in than I did (14-15 vs 13-14) so I reckon if you do go with the GSC you'll get better results than I did. Good luck!
@Epokwan, thanks for the response . It can get very humid here in Southern Ontario in the summer ... is mold an issue on GSC autos ?
Load more (1)
Ace_Hydroweek 10
Nice reptile ๐ŸฆŽ
@Ace_Hydro, they seem to like my grow bags and hang around for a few days at a time. They help keep the ants out :)
VibingOverHereweek 10
Hey @Epokwan so I see you have a sweet blue headed dragon. I have a bearded dragon and he ate a cupple of leaves off my pot and I'm worried that he's gonna get sick. Did your lizard eat them too? and was he ok??
@VibingOverHere, Hey man, so this fellow was actually just chilling on my grow bag. In Durban, we get loads of them wild here - I love them! I think it's the males that have the blue heads. Here we just call them "blue headed lizards". I often catch them, give them a drink and send them on their way. I didn't know lizards even ate leaves to be honest!
Fast_Budsweek 14
Hey there, Well done on your grow. We hope you have enjoyed growing our genetics !! Keep up the good work! Happy harvest!!!๐ŸŒพ
@Fast_Buds, thanks guys - can't wait to try more from your menu :)
VovaFarmsweek 14
Happy smoking ๐Ÿšฌ dude ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
@VovaFarms, thanks! They're smelling great in cure - can't wait :)
KratkyGrowweek 9
@Epokwan Sorry to see about the powdery mildew, seems like you caught it early on and did a great job addressing it! Nice to see as well that #3 pretty much recovered, although it looks quite stunted in comparison to the others, you'll still get some bud from it. Keep up on 'em! Best of luck!
@KratkyGrow, thanks mate! The weather has turned for the better here and we've had a lot of sun. I've since given another spray or 2 with the organic fungicide and it's doing a great job keeping it at bay. It not only treats on contact but is systemic so I'm using on all my plants to prevent it. I was worried about it damaging my pistils, but I've experimented spraying it directly onto some popcorn buds and they don't seem to mind it. #3 eventually shot up but only in flower, but hey - she can be a 1 joint wonder :) I'll have some updated pics soon
Ferencweek 1
@Epokwan Good Luck mate!
@Ferenc, thank you :)
Epokwanweek 5
@KratkyGrow, thanks for taking the time to respond to my grow question! I'll be more careful with super soil from now on. I don't have tools to measure EC or PPM, but for now I'll dial back the ml/L considerably and go with half of the recommended doses (or less). The question was referring more to the abnormal nature of the leaf growth on that #3, if you compare it to #2, they were started at the same time. It's very stunted but not sure if it's something I did or if it's just a strange genetic thing - any ideas?
@KratkyGrow, if white spots are usually from light, then I might have a theory. In the seedling stage I had covered these in cold drink bottle tops to try keep them safe. I believe it got too humid in there too quickly and that water pooled on the young cotyledons. Drops of water could have, together with the morning sun, created like a magnifying glass effect and hurt them. If you look in earlier pics, the white spots were the size of water droplets - so maybe light burn could have been the issue. The one might just be stronger genetically and survived that, while the other got stunted. Very interested as to how she'll turn out and the exercise could shed some light for me on how autos work in general, whether she'll flower at the same time as the others, regardless of maturity or whether she'll get some more veg time first.
@Epokwan, Absolutely! I would make the assumption that if they started at the same time and you fed them the exact same concentration of nutrient from the start, it could have something to do with one plant just being better suited to higher nutrient levels. So it could be a combo of genetics and nutrient dosing. It looks to me like the new growth is doing alright so if you ease off on the nutrients for that plant it might be able to recover. The white is a bit strange to me, especially on such a young plant. Usually you would observe yellows and browns in burn or deficiencies. I've seen whites in light burn, but you're growing outdoors so that shouldn't be a problem. It also doesn't look like a pest/mold issue. For just that plant you might want to use just plain water for awhile, until it starts to develop more, maybe wait all the way until it starts to flower before you feed it again. I think the best you can do is keep it growing and see what happens.
DoDrugs420week 14
Nice Girl Scout Cookies Auto (Cookies Auto)!