This Oakland Purp Clone was grown outside starting the first week of June. It grew perfectly on schedule as an Indica strain. It started getting bud rot around the fifth week of flower. It had preventatively been sprayed with spinosad(Monterey insect control) and Monterey disease control all along every week. I’m pretty sure I oversprayed during flower and between that and the weird humid weather, that is what caused the bud rot. I trimmed off the entire top part of the canopy and let the bottom flowers keep growing. I and harvesting once per week since the mold and spraying straight hydrogen peroxide on any bud rot or mold, trimming off those flowers and also misting that area of the plant with hydrogen peroxide(straight). It smells wonderful and has been doing well. The pictures are of the remaining lower buds. Some of them are ready to harvest and some I will let go a little longer.
There are several missing weeks because I wasn’t familiar with the software/system. I added the flowering weeks first and I don’t know how to change the week #....