Oct.20-flipped to 12/12 last night. This one seems to be the biggest and hardiest of the 3. This one got topped one more time then the NL. Kind of running out of space to its left so may add some more netting.
Oct.21 - added another row of net. Watering with 6.8ph spring water 1.3l with some cal and mag present to mositen then will watered and fed at 6.2ph 868ppm 4 litres. Then extra 1.5l of just distilled to get maybe a half cup runoff. All waiting half hour between. She was thirsty.
Oct.25. Fed and watered. Added the big bud and bud candy into the mix. See what happens. This one has a ton of bud sites workin to the screen.
@@greenpinky, for sure its always great to have harvest !! I wish you the best of luck on all your future projects !!
Thanks for taking the time to respond !