The Kalashnikova’s buds are really stacking up nicely now and smelling really lovely, she is a real pleasure to grow. Continuing to cover up each night, a few minutes earlier each week. I have cut all the fan leaves now, so not sure if she may slow down for a bit, but she looks mint.
Hey, if you wanted some additional notes, you might want to check out using like a tea/amending soil with fruits that produce a lot of erythritol. It'll likely influence flowering. Though it's a bit unclear in what way.
Yep, I had roughly the same results with some other, technically, commercial seeds (got sent some seeds by HSO). About the same time (end of winter/start spring, a bit before you planted yours), same hemisphere. However, my non-commercial local unknown/wild/offspring seeds planted at the same time have been growing much better (in terms of not flowering instantly). Also, I think a lack of rain and very carboniferous soil (can produce somewhat excessive ethylene which boosts and possibly helps trigger flowering) contributed to that. I suspect that, coz luckily, I had soil variation with one of those and the one in less carbon-rich soil compared to others in carbon-rich soil is definitely growing for longer.
Here are some comparison pics (planted at the same time):
1. Not so carbon-rich soil, offspring:
2. Carbon-rich soil, offspring:
3. Carbon-rich soil, HSO Black D.O.G:
Glad to somewhat confirm that though. Also, I had a bunch of plants planted around start of winter here in the southern hemisphere, a lot of them still fowering (or would be if I didn't harvest some of them completely) so I'm pretty sure it's not just lighting.
omg!! your harvest looks amazing, good job
im in week 2 of my first grow and i would love to get some feedback on my grow from an experienced grower like you
Hi there. I had the problem of my plant flowering outside very early as you can see in my diary. I contacted greenhouse thinking I may have got auto by mistake but they are positive I did not. They believe I planted too early in the season as my plant was 4 weeks old before the time between sunrise and sunset extended to 12 hours. I accepted this because I also had a Jack Herer planted at the same time which was not flowering. Now 4 weeks later the jack has begun to flower! Do you recommend leaving and hoping it goes back to Veg? Or should I begin feeding bloom nutrients and assume it will finish out. Thank you. Shooey,, 👍