9th Week Report 12/12/19 - 19/12/19
In photos CMXL is on the left and LSD on the right
Unfortunately humidity at 80% and since is too high from next week I will try to give them more aeration. Hope there won't be mold.
Changed solution and raised its strength to 90% and unlikely the last change I didn't added a small quantity (0.5/L) of "grow" nutrient as both are in full flowering
CMXL got a bigger defoliation and now you can see even more bud sites! 😁 Just waiting for her ;)
Looking to LSD I guess next week we probably will be ready to harvest. As you can see she almost has no more space, CMXL is giant (and beautiful) and she is starting to cover LSD, but hopefully LSD will be harvested soon and consequently CMXL will have all the space she needs.
CMXL was defoliated every couple of days, the quantity of leaves that were removed during every defoliation session is more or less like in the photo uploaded.
However it looks like CMXL is not anymore stretching and just fattening up, so from the next week will get light defoliation just when needed (if she will cover everything again like last week probably will get one more last stronger defoliation).
Any comment or suggestions is appreciated, especially if you have tips about LSD time to harvest! Thanks in advance dudes 😁👊
Last Update 19/12/19
See you guys ;)
@CRK00, If there are many parts that receive less light and have fewer 'ready' trichomes, then you can leave those part longer to harvest.
Personally, I only harvest once.
Sweet smokes!
@Sweet_Seeds, I'm already checking trichomes and more than 80% is cloudy, are starting to appear now just a couple of Amber trichomes.
Now I'm doing a soft flush and probably in 2/3 days I'll harvest her.
Do you suggest to leave lower growth after harvest and try to give her a couple more weeks to have a second harvest?
Hands up for Cream Mandarine 😋😋
@CRK00, Hi buddy!
The final flowering time, can vary by many factors, one of them and very important the phenotype.
Our CMXL is a very special strain that everyone loves. We're glad to hear that you do too. :)
Remember that to know when to harvest, you must be guided by the status of the trichomes (not the pistils).
Sweet smokes!
@@WisdomCulture420, thanks mate! 👊
Today I checked the growth after some days and updated the diary ;)
I'm satisfied and I hope it keeps on going like that! 😋