13th Week Report 09/01/20 - 16/01/20
Filled the reservoir with just 4L solution since probably this will be the last week before flush.
Now CMXL is just fattening and I can see differences in thickness from last week!
You can also see some color changing in her pistils, she's getting beautiful!
I'm checking trichomes color to be sure to harvest at the right time, I tried to take pictures at magnifier, but it doesn't look clear.
However there is any Amber trichomes and there are a lot of clear "mushrooms". They will be checked day by day to harvest when more or less is every trichome is cloudy and to be sure about buds potency.
Hope to harvest next week 😉🍀
Last Update 16/01/20
See you guys ;)
@CRK00, If there are many parts that receive less light and have fewer 'ready' trichomes, then you can leave those part longer to harvest.
Personally, I only harvest once.
Sweet smokes!
@Sweet_Seeds, I'm already checking trichomes and more than 80% is cloudy, are starting to appear now just a couple of Amber trichomes.
Now I'm doing a soft flush and probably in 2/3 days I'll harvest her.
Do you suggest to leave lower growth after harvest and try to give her a couple more weeks to have a second harvest?
Hands up for Cream Mandarine 😋😋
@CRK00, Hi buddy!
The final flowering time, can vary by many factors, one of them and very important the phenotype.
Our CMXL is a very special strain that everyone loves. We're glad to hear that you do too. :)
Remember that to know when to harvest, you must be guided by the status of the trichomes (not the pistils).
Sweet smokes!
@@WisdomCulture420, thanks mate! 👊
Today I checked the growth after some days and updated the diary ;)
I'm satisfied and I hope it keeps on going like that! 😋