As you can see from the week before here is some damaged spots on my leaves. Still struggling with the humidity levels I knew I had to change something because this method sucked and was time consuming. With that said, I needed get creative...I took a 30 qt clear tub and put a fish tank heater at the bottom to heat the water inside and then added a air pump.This method worked quite well and I had all the stuff already around the house so I saved some money on not having to buy a humidifier. Once this body of water was added to my tent my humidity levels were a lot easier to manage. (Just add water 1-2 times a week to make sure the heating element stays submerged) Takes about 3-4 gallons of water to make a difference.) My lights are now moved to 32 inches from the plants and watering with a ph balance of 6.3-6.5.