So everything is coming along smoothly except for the one white widow. She is growing roots fine but she isn't growing at all. I'm not to concerned I think she will just take off one of these days. Atleast that's what I'm hoping. The other two are doing amazing. Nothing to say about them I think the picture says it all. I will add more pictures mid week.
The only issue I've had is RH during lights off it's fine at 75% but lights on it goes down to 30% hence the two humidifiers and bucket in the one picture hopefully that's helps. I will let you know next week. Happy growing!
I like the varieties you picked :D
We are starting a hydro grow this week... it's our first time with DWC... I'll follow along to see how things turn out for you!
Your white widow has purple in the veins... you might want to look into nutrient levels... I'm not an expert, but we wouldn't expect to see purple I don't think. Also, 29C is pushing the high side of temperatures, no? This high temp will have an impact on your humidity too. I had this problem... room was too hot and humidity too low. Looks like you got a humidifier... that's what we did too... cool mist humidifiers x 2. It's helping a lot. We have to change the ventilation too... to push the hot air out at a faster rate.
Sorry just saw this now. Yes temp was too high. I added an intake of cold air. Temp is now 26 lights on with RH from 35 to 50 and lights off it's 22 rh about 55
Just a littlle update. All three seeds have popped they have all been moved into their 5 gal buckets which will be their final home. The GC is growing the fastest. Followed by the SBG and then the WW I'll update with pics in a week