They endure the heat steadfastly, the temperature in the room is 34 degrees, humidity is 50% .
The third day: Ripen 5 ml / 1 l + Metrop Amino Bloom 0,8 ml per 1 l + ProBioTech Mega Buds 1 ml per 1 l. Each pot dinks 1.5 - 2 liters
I plan to use LED in the box 60X60X160cm in autumn, winter, when I will move to other place, because this room (where I grow now) is not heated.
Currently I use it like additional light because HPS 400 is can't cope with such volume.
Lazy, in the end, I was sorry, because the next trouble happened during the transplant the day before yesterday . The soil in the cups dried up
The roots were damaged,and plants had stress, the growth stopped for 4 days. Two Mexicans moved under the 125 W LED due to lack of space.
The detailed report with photos will be today or tomorrow .