Week 9
Dec. 29 - Jan. 5
Jan. 1, 2020
Week 8 is in the books. Nothing changed, kept with every other day watering schedule. Watered at the beginning of week 8 with a table spoon of molasses per gallon of water. Each plant is taking about 10 cups of water. The plants are definitely loading up with tricomes and the smell is getting stronger, with the exception to CS #3, I'll get into those details in a minute.
I would try to explain the scent but I have a poor sense of smell along with a hell of a cold this week.
They will be ready for harvest with 2 - 3 weeks (except #3) I believe.
After looking at other diaries and journals of other growers growing this breed of Californian Snow #3, the one thing that stands out with my grow is CS#1 & CS#2 did not get as tall as others'. I believe I made a new grower mistake and kept my lights a bit too low to the plants. This kept them from stretching out a bit prior to their transition into flower. If I do grow these again I'll keep my lights higher from the cannopy.
In the pics you'll see I trained #3 differently than the other 2. #3 I bent the stem to the side then trained it to go around the pot. This made it shorter than the other 2. I had my light height set based on CS #1 & #2, the taller plants... which I had the light too close to then as well that's why they are shorter than they should be... but I believe this is why #3 stretched out and became taller than all my other plants even while being LST'd to the side of the pot.
What I can't figure out is why #3 is at least 2-3 weeks behind the other CS's in bud development.
When it does complete the growth cycle I think this plant will be my highest yielding one.
Also since CS #3 is a larger plant and has more vegetation it is getting an extra watering or two as needed per week. I also top dressed with Organic Roots Uprising Bloom mid way into week 8 due to it still being in the early v stages of flowering. This will make 2 top dresses for this plant in two weeks.
I'm currently keeping another diary here... link below.. with Californian Snow and another auto by FastBuds 420.
I've decided to keep separate dairies of each strain so I can focus and share the details of each strain independently.
I'll still update the original grow diary with both stains along with updating two strain specific diaries.