There are mesh strainers in front of pumps + built-in self-cleaning filters in the valves.
I mix the solution in the tanks. I take the water with using pump, open the return (pictured, the red cranes in front of valves) - pump is switched on automatically, I put salts, pump drives water in a circle mixing fertilize – the solution is ready, I close the return. When the valve is opened, irrigation startes. Watering has 8 sessions, they are uniformly divided by 12 hours of darkness. 4 sessions for each tank. I start with the tank with calcium.
I haven’t climate control, ventilation works around the clock. Exhaust goes through the filter soundproofed duct to the street. At hot days day temperature is 28-30C , at night 26C. There is day in the room at night, in the day time there’s night. the difference of day and night temperature is minimal. Humidity is stable 40-50%