Day 22 - Fed with 3 tsp/g big bloom and 1ml/g superthrive. They seem to be doing great. One seems like it didn't develop a good node.
Day 23 - They responded well to the nutes. Just saw Pistils today. We'll closely monitor them now. Grow my kongs!
Day 24 - Watered. One of them is growing awkward, like one node per side only.
Day 25 - They both look great. They look happy.
Day 26 - They are kinda light. Will feed tomorrow.
Day 27 - Fed with Big bloom 3tsp, grow big 0.5 tsp, microbe brew 1 tsp, calmag 0.25 tsp, superthrive 1ml, all per gallon mix. Will monitor them tomorrow.
Day 28 - They looking great. They seem to respond well to the added nutes. Will monitor closely.