Letting them go their own way at the moment. Gave them all a feed and just waiting to see how they go for this week and the next and then it's just flushing for 2 weeks until harvest
Gave them another feed, my coco bloom mix went milky and shit for the second time so I have to buy more. I'm thinking of changing formulas to advanced nutes and seeing how that goes.
i was extremely busy with work so they went an extra day without water, the fabic pots have some sort of white stuff on them im worried its mold but once i watered them again it vanished so ill take some pics if it appears again. i gave them a water and my ph pen also messed up tonight so its been one thing after another. i did some light defoliation and i also bought a 1000x usb microscope but im finding it very hard to gain focus or get it close enough to see the trichomes and see their color but from what i could make out they looked a little cloudy? id love to hear at what stages they start to go amber as id like to harvest before that stage. im starting to get orange hairs over them but its not 70% just yet. 1 more week of nutes from the 8th to the 15th and then its straight out flush for 2 weeks, im not sure if they're ready for that stage but if they're not i cant do much anyways ill have to harvest regardless on the 29th.
@@Resin_Randy, yeah she's definitely sativa, all 3 are but suppose to be hybrid. I'm just finishing up the week then flushing for a week then drying and putting into jars whilst I'm away on my honeymoon