in this week i start grows , but i dont take picture because i dont decided to sign up in here.
i have a hand made SMD growa light with 3500k &6500k epistar cheaps
i have a lot nutrients but i dont use them all in one time feeding.
i feedeing my plant with 1.5 litr 6.0 ph water but when the plant are young, i gave them 0.5 &1 litr.
plants are growing well in this week,with no issues.
my soil is 60% cocopeat-20%perlite-10% peat moss and compost
also i use mycos,azomite,and silicat powder and azomite in my soil
@Harmar, yes thats true, but i didnt seen any other effects of nitrogen toxicity in plant, also plant have no problem in the growth so i didnt do any action for that
Thanks for your attention and help dude 🙂👽♥️😉