I think I'm overwatering a bit, they have bounced back and are very perky again. Going to slow up a bit on water schedule. Still battling slow growth and a yellowing problem on one that I may have caused or a def of some kind. Working on it. I'll definitely get something from these girls, but not expecting much. They have a lot of filling up to do in a short period of time, and at this rate, I believe I have stunted them. Live and learn.
@Saro01,I'm trying to get a full garden for my next run I only had 4 on my 1st and there where autos as well so gone for a few photos and gonna add a few autos as well and have it on a 18/6 light till autos are done and the flower the photos well I hope I goes like that any way lol
@Blueboy2019, thanks, I'd recommend based on the crazy terp profile on these. I've never smelled anything like it when I was cutting it down. Not the easiest to grow, but I would never say it was hard at all. Just a sensitive strain to changes, likes very light feeding and even lighter on the watering.
@Blueboy2019, yeah, i could have gone another week I'm sure, but full on cloudy trichs and I'm looking for an up beat high. 60-70 day window, chopped at 66 day.
@EZgrower, hey thanks a lot! Same to you. You should have fun, I've never grown an auto before. Plenty of growing photos, but first auto. I appreciate it!