Trichs are almost all milky, but none seem to be amber. Mixed another gallon of "final week" solution, so I'm going to run through that (maybe 4 days?) then check again. If I see some amber, I'll start to flush, if not... another gallon of "final week". Everything about this grow is taking so... long... I'm tempted to just start flushing once it's 100% milky and not even wait for any amber, just because with my luck that'll be another month!
Other than that grow going pretty good. Some leaves are yellowing, but it looks more like ... fall foliage than a nute deficiency. Might also be that the one plant seems to be a couple weeks behind, so it might actually still need a little more N since it's not as far into bloom. We'll see. Spotted a few fungus gnats this week. Dissolved some more mosquito bits and they've cut back. I've got some cuttings of some of my carnivorous plants to put in my next grow.