When will I learn....leave autos alone!! I've interfered and shes stunted then randomly had a second flowering. Shes been pretty hardy with the training through
26.03.20 Day 97/
Made the decision to chop her down. The majority of older buds look ready didnt want to sacrifice that for this new growth especially with all this corona shit going down. Need the smoke more than the experiment at the minute. Be interesting to see if the other seeds do the same second flowering thing. Il update again once dried 💚😎✌️
Shes dried and I've put her in a jar for curing 💚
Had to have a sneaky taste test.
On grinding the bud it smells quite woody and earthy with a sweet end note but on smoking it theres a definite like creamy diesel flavouring too it. Update the effects once this has been smoked 😎👌
u need to check the trichs with a loupe. foxtailing can happen for a multitude of reasons so it's important to check ripeness though other means rather than thinking more white pistils = still ripening. imo she looks ready but I aint able to see her close up.
Hi there, so I would definitely advise against adding more Nutrients until you get your root zone under control. You can already see nute burn so adding more doesn't make much sense you should never use full strength with autoflowers. My guess is that you have lockouts so I would flush get your ph under control and start low because that plant can't handle what you are throwing at her. G'luck I hope you pull through.
Keep em popping