Hello growers
This week i started flushing the plant.
I could have started earlier but i wanted as big of a yield as i t could give me.
7 days of plain ph water and then it is chop time.
So next week it will be the harvest entry.
See yanext weekand thanks for visiting.
As someone who is about to start their first grow using a PAR450, I was hoping I could bother you to elaborate on the light issues... sorry to be a pest, just looking to see what I'm getting myself into... Also, what size is your tent? 4x4x72?
@Smokin_Joe, hey friend.
So, about vipaspectra lights. I have been using them for over 2 years now. I was growing autoflowers and my yields were pretty good with an average of 150gr per plant. The light schedule i have been using is 20h of lignt and 4h of darkness.
This year i decided to go for photoperiods.
So the bacic science behind light and growing is this: Every plant needs a specific amount of photons (lets say light molecules) per day in order to grow and develop in its full capabilities. This is the result of light intensity and duration per day.
With a 20/4 schedule, viparspectra lights can meet the photon threshold because the plant is showered by light for 20 hours.
But when you grow photoperiod strains, in order to make the plants bloom you have to cut that down to 12 hours of light per day. As it turns out 12 hours of viparspectra light is not enough for a plant to maximize its yield capabilities.
So, to sum up, if you are going to grow autos, you are good. If you are going for photoperiods, try to keep only one plant per light.
Also my tent is 1.5m×1.5m×2.2m
I hope this is usefull.
Happy growing.