Certainly getting stuck and smelly. I have a microscope coming in on the 15th so I'll have some nice pics from that and we can see how long she's got to go.
They're technically my second ever harvest. My first was a single Auto-Pounder.
They're so compact because of ther first 5 weeks or more on 24 hour light. Learned from that!
I was going to cut the one I trimmed/defoliated but going to leave it for another 2 days then 24 hours of darkness, harvest it.
The second one is coming along slower so I will wait to harvest it.
So, I cut the line down that was far more along. I'm going to try two separate curing measures.
1st = air cure for 2 days, then jar
2nd = air cure 4 days, then jar
Let's see what happens.