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Mimosa Cake Auto

3 years ago
Citizen CLU-048 1212 Light Emitting Diodes/100W
Citizen CLU-048 1212
Room Type
weeks 2-3
weeks 3
weeks 3
weeks 3
weeks 3-6
Grow medium
Grow medium
Coco Coir
Grow medium
25 L
Pot Size
2.5 L
4 years ago
I used a RootIt! Cube. Same batch I used last grow, I simply left the lid of the propogator off for them to dry out then just soak some paper towels and put them in the tray beneath the cube holder and they rehydrate and work great. What I love about them is at maximum water capacity they still hold enough air to germinate the seeds really well every time. I don’t even soak them first anymore. This mimosa seemed particularly quick but I had other plants to take my mind off them.
Used method
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
4 years ago
5.08 cm
18 hrs
30 °C
60 %
24 °C
1 L
45.72 cm
Just waiting for this week to transplant the other soil auto into its final pot and the shift this one into that, like hermit crabs! The roots all look super healthy and white and fluffy from the micorhyzae. That’s goes for all plants actually. I always put stoned at the bottom of the pots (even my non hempies) then when I can see the roots going into the stones through the bottom holes or the plant gets too big and when I transplant I kind of pick off each stone and It leaves a load of roots dangling like spaghetti to be dipped in more micorhyzae and microbes and then dipped into fluffy soil and reported and tapped down. I don’t usually make as big of a jump in the hempies. I usually have a mid stage pot but I decided to do away with the extra transplant shock and try to just build the roots up nicely in there with pretty constant irrigation and with the two soil pots I’m stepping them up a couple of inches at a time to get the root stick nice and packed out. It seems to be working. In fact I really like this bio buzz soil. I used the light one and I’m very impressed. It’s literally pour from the bag to the pot ready. Perlite, coco and all that included. I like the way there isn’t hardly any nutrition in there so a few weeks in I start the liquid organic feed by plant magic. It usually makes quite a leafy bud structure but might fill out a bit more now I have a more powerful light for flowering. Amended later: I was just in the grow trying to straighten out my noise proof ducting and when I got to the fan I noticed it’s been plugged into something I unplugged a while ago! Iv no idea how i’v managed to germinate and grow all these plants to veg stage with NO EXTRACTION! These plants never cease to amaze me. We’ve been having a heatwave here as well so I bought an extra online fan to plug into my thermostat to pull in fresh air during this heatwave when it gets above a certain temp. It will literally just either suck in air or blow out more air when it reaches a certain temp. Probably suck in rather than exhaust because I won’t need to add a second carbon filter. God I love this shit. I can’t believe it didn’t get to a temp way above where it did. It only went up to 30 ish. I think it’s been more problematic at night time when they start to perspire a lot!
Week 2. Vegetation
4 years ago
5.08 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
60 %
23 °C
1 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 3
blackstrap mollasses 1.302 mll
Oldtimer Grow - Plant Magic
Oldtimer Grow 2 mll
Biosys - Ecothrive
Biosys 0.651 mll
UPDATE - MONDAY 2ND AUGUST Im Messing around with my lung room and the temps and fans. Trying to get the lung room to suck in air when it reaches a certain temperature. I have the timer/programmer for it now so shouldn't be a problem. I may or may not put in take fan in the tents as well, probably not. I have. feeling if I have a temperature controlled lung room it will passively suck in fresh air through a vent in the door. There is definitely something wrong with the hempies, I think they got major transplant shock at the same time as being fimmed. I'm going to carry on because I have a feeling one of them has reached the res at the bottom now and is speeding up. I think the way hempies have to work is for the water level at the bottom has to go up and down so I was using the dripper system totally wrong. seems a lot better now.
Used techniques
Week 3. Vegetation
4 years ago
12.9 cm
18 hrs
30 °C
50 %
24 °C
25 L
33.02 cm
Nutrients 3
blackstrap mollasses 6.51 mll
Oldtimer Grow - Plant Magic
Oldtimer Grow 3 mll
Biosys - Ecothrive
Biosys 6.51 mll
UPDATE -9th AUGUST This is just going to be a quick update as it’s been a while, I’ll get some better photos with my actual camera. I’m just waiting for the plants side branches, side branches to start shooting out now they have apical dominance. Then I can tie each down to the respective side of the pot without accidentally ripping off any growth tips or in other words accidentally FIMM’ing. Oh well, they are vigorous seedlings they just need a little leaving alone for a while!
Used techniques
Week 4. Vegetation
4 years ago
25.4 cm
18 hrs
30 °C
50 %
26 °C
25 L
33.02 cm
Nutrients 4
blackstrap mollasses 6.51 mll
Oldtimer Grow - Plant Magic
Oldtimer Grow 3 mll
Biosys - Ecothrive
Biosys 6.51 mll
Update - Friday 13th April All is going well. I bought a better fan dimmer and thermostat. The inkbird one. Same as the other tent, however, I think next grow I’m going to take everything down, have a good clean and put up the 2x1x2m tent I bought. I’ll need to leave a little space for me to get into it to the plants but I’ll be able to at least put the 4 plants in one tent and use just the two environmental controls. If my 125mm extraction fan set up and it’s not enough I have another 125mm kit with carbon fan, as well as a 100mm fan to use as an intake fan. The only problem is I am dealing with about 50cm at the top of the room (spare space) and I’ll have to literally open the door and the tent door with be right up against it so I’ll have to remove shoes and step into it. I will need more light so will bang another long thin one like I have. I will also probably reduce pot size slightly as I don’t think autos NEED 25L pots and I’ll be able to get two rows in this way. Should be more of a SOG style with a space at the end for my fat ass!
Used techniques
Week 5. Vegetation
4 years ago
25.4 cm
18 hrs
29 °C
50 %
25 °C
25 L
33.02 cm
Nutrients 4
blackstrap mollasses 6.51 mll
Oldtimer Grow - Plant Magic
Oldtimer Grow 3 mll
Biosys - Ecothrive
Biosys 6.51 mll
Update - Week 5 Starting to get pre-flowers as you can see now so have switched to adding the Old Timer Bloom instead of Grow. Dont think i'll get loads off this plant but hye, its all experience and some bud to smoke for a bit. it will definitely taste amaing as this combo of products has worked really nicely before, it will probably just be a little loose in bud structure but having said that, I had two plants in here last time and no I dont mean 1 cannabis and 1 chrysanthemum! OK, im off as I have to update all my diaries.
1 like
Used techniques
Week 6. Flowering
4 years ago
25.4 cm
18 hrs
29 °C
50 %
25 °C
25 L
3 L
33.02 cm
Nutrients 3
blackstrap mollasses 6.51 mll
Oldtimer Bloom - Plant Magic
Oldtimer Bloom 3 mll
Charge - Ecothrive
Charge 3.906 mll
Update - Monday 23rd Hello anyone following this! This weeks been fine. They are pretty much set and forget. As long as every other day I water them it’s all good. This one is obviously soil and doing just as well as the hempies but to be fair, I have auto watering for the hempies so they are a lot easier.
Used techniques
Week 7. Flowering
4 years ago
25.4 cm
18 hrs
29 °C
50 %
26 °C
25 L
3 L
33.02 cm
Nutrients 3
blackstrap mollasses 6.51 mll
Oldtimer Bloom - Plant Magic
Oldtimer Bloom 4 mll
Charge - Ecothrive
Charge 3.906 mll
Update - Mon 30th Aug Al is going well. Iv just been getting rid of the small bud sites right at t her bottom of the plants and preparing for the new space and grow system with float-valves and gravity feeding. Breeze blocks and wood will be needed!
Week 8. Flowering
4 years ago
25.4 cm
18 hrs
29 °C
50 %
26 °C
25 L
3 L
33.02 cm
Nutrients 3
blackstrap mollasses 6 mll
Oldtimer Bloom - Plant Magic
Oldtimer Bloom 5 mll
Charge - Ecothrive
Charge 3.906 mll
Just waiting now really - oh tell a lie, I did make a slight adjustment to the feed schedule so it is synth-ganic now lol. I Wanted to see what adding PK13/14 would do with this strain in flower and my oh my. Even the day after those buds have swollen up! Beautiful and im using it in my other plants so why not eh?, I didn't buy that plant magic shit because it was organic I bought it because it was the easiest adn cheapest option that reminded me of bio-bizz. I'm surprised, actually, that the orange sherbert (that is also being fed the same nutes isnt more leafy. Usually, well actually every plant iv grown with this stuff it has been proper hash or extract makers weed. Mind you, I was using half the power lights I actually thought i was using and other small changes that iv made this grow, like the pk 13/14. I LOVE COCO AND PASSIVE AQUAPONICS because it enables dirty, messy people like me who are shit with pumps and keeping my house clean (mental health problems dont forget) to complete great grows that mean I have more than enough weed between grows. I have finally dialled it in enough to whereby I have a perpetual grow because I still have bud by the time the next lot come along now. Another reasons I love auto's but there are many negatives I sacrifice for fastbuds sponsorship and the ease of popping a seed in a rootriot cube and 9- 10 weeks growing time they are usually ready to be harvested and if not, they are well on their way. It will be interesting to see what hiccups I run into when I pull down these tents and put up the new one (god I hope it fits in that broom closet!) if not, I will be using the hack saw to shorten the pole end by like 10mm and have a slightly loose canopy/covering skin thing.
Week 9. Flowering
3 years ago
25.4 cm
18 hrs
29 °C
50 %
26 °C
25 L
3 L
33.02 cm
Nutrients 3
blackstrap mollasses 6 mll
Oldtimer Bloom - Plant Magic
Oldtimer Bloom 5 mll
Charge - Ecothrive
Charge 3.906 mll
All is going well still. I think it’s actually been a couple of weeks so am going to add the same pics twice so I know when I can chop…
1 like
Week 10. Flowering
3 years ago
25.4 cm
18 hrs
29 °C
50 %
26 °C
25 L
3 L
33.02 cm
Nutrients 3
blackstrap mollasses 6 mll
Oldtimer Bloom - Plant Magic
Oldtimer Bloom 5 mll
Charge - Ecothrive
Charge 3.906 mll
Update - week 10 Ok now I know where I am. All has been ok but it stinks because I havnt added a carbon fan. It can’t be smelt outside anywhere though as I’m lucky enough to live up and out the way of people. It’s only the one plant in the small tent that doesn’t have one so it’s not that bad. Not as bad as the first few days of hanging. Still just been persisting to flush all my plants. The soil Plants need it less often than the coco plants as you would expect.
Week 11. Flowering
3 years ago
25.4 cm
18 hrs
29 °C
50 %
26 °C
25 L
3 L
33.02 cm
Nutrients 1
Charge - Ecothrive
Charge 3.906 mll
Update Ok so everything is going ok but I think I left the crysanthamum head in there which has pollenated. I can see all the pollen all over the gaff so there is probably crysanthamum pollen on the buds which is shame but oh well. ‘Tis what ‘tis. I’m just continuing to flush them all really apart from the glue which seems to be a seriously sativa cultivar so anything iv seen from anyone’s grow lol Don’t quite know how it managed it but hey ho that’s what happens with auto’s but I love it tbh. It’s not my normal smoke, let’s put it like that. It will come in handy for daytime smoke but that’s why I’m continuing to do the flush for quite a long time on the others as I prefer a more matured trichome effect. Smashing… In other news I just got an allotment which is cool. So I can grow some of my own veggies and such. Really looking forward to reconditioning the soil and stuff.
Week 12. Flowering
3 years ago
25.4 cm
18 hrs
29 °C
50 %
26 °C
25 L
3 L
33.02 cm
Nutrients 1
Charge - Ecothrive
Charge 3.906 mll
Update - week 12 I think iv managed to add an extra week because this was planted a week after the others but oh well. Iv moved her into the bigger tent alongside the other plant so she is getting the better quality light for the last bit of her life. She is nearly finished now tbh
1 comment
Grow Questions
Rabidrejectstarted grow question 3 years ago
Its not really a massive problem as the plant has produced a nice big heavy yield, however, doers anyone know what the spots are on the leaves? or is it to do with the fact my crysanthamums started pollonating the whole tent? I thought it may be either a cal or mag defic but no
Leaves. Color - Mottling
1 like
Sillentiumanswered grow question 3 years ago
Sie nach Schädling aus, prüf mal die Buds das du dir keine Budfäule eingefangen hast
MycoDananswered grow question 3 years ago
Unfortunately it looks like you have mites. Use a jewelers loupe or something that you can zoom in with and look under the leaves for mites. It's honestly too late to do anything about it at the stage your plants are at, so you have two options. You can either harvest your plant and smoke the bugs (yuck), or toss it out and start over. Either way you need to clean your grow area really well before you start your next grow. Next grow cover the top 2" of your soil with diatomaceous earth. There's sprays you can use to keep them away. You can also order predatory mites online that eat the bad mites. Lady bugs can help too. A supplemental UV-B light can increase THC production by as much as 40%, but they also help guard against pests and powdery mildew. If you keep having issues with pests you might want to switch to hydro or coco. You're much less likely to get pests using those methods. Good luck with your future grows. Sorry for the bad luck.
Grow3rPTanswered grow question 3 years ago
Olá amigo, eu acho que nem precisas de te preocupar. Está mesmo no final e em breve vais para o corte :) parabéns pelo cultivo está muito bom. Abraço e boa sorte no resto
Week 12. Harvest
3 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
I’m not sure if it was bud rot but just after I had hung my plant and split it up into hangable buds one of the very ends of the main cola started going brown and mouldy. I think it was from where I removed a fan leaf from near the top without using scissors. I believe it went brown from the stem at that place where I broke the skin. I simply snipped off the very tip of the cola I was dealing with and checked the rest of the buds very closely. I found no other signs of any mould or browning. It’s very tempting to just start snapping fan leaves off with my hands when I harvest but I need to force myself to use the snips. It’s especially tempting with this cultivar as the fan leaves are on such a long stem. Other than that a pretty seamless grow. She smells beautiful and sweet. I even made a tiny tiny ball of charms from it when harvesting, it was so sticky! I’m not sure why it’s stopped asking me my dry weight…maybe coz I didn’t put it in straight away? I don’t know. Iv put the dry weight in the wet weight section.
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Spent 86 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
80 g
Bud wet weight per plant
85 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Creative, Happy, Relaxed
Positive effects
Medical effects
Anxiety, Depression, Stress
Medical effects
Pungent, Sweet, Tropical

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
All in all this plant was exptremely easy to grow although I did have some problems and lots probably a 3-5G nug to some sort of rot or moult or some shit. Luckily I caught it early and it didn’t spread. I do dry trims on my plants and I must admit tha this one is a hard one to dry trim as the leaves are so skinny and sparse!


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Ferenccommentedweek 74 years ago
Happy Flowers, Happy Weed 😊 @Rabidreject
Ferenccommented4 years ago
@Rabidreject, Wao new to me I like it
Rabidrejectcommented4 years ago
@Ferenc, yeah the flowers arc co-planted chrysanthemums as they are good for IMP!
spydercommentedweek 14 years ago
good luck with the grow...enjoy.
Fast_Budscommentedweek 123 years ago
Hey there, Well done on your grow. We hope you have enjoyed growing our genetics !! Keep up the good work! Happy harvest!!!🌾
Rabidrejectcommented3 years ago
@Fast_Buds,Thanks for sponsoring my grows. I love the way you always congratulate me on my harvests as well. I think that’s a really nice touch. Regards, Rabid
Toastdtoastcommentedweek 84 years ago
Looking good fam!
Rabidrejectcommented4 years ago
@Toastdtoast,yeeeees blud! Cheers for the compliment. Its amazing how much better this light is compared to all those old small shitty LED's but whats even more incredible is that the weed grown under the shitty 50w LED's was WAY better than the one time I used a CFL for the whole run! It was mad, I think its in the end of the first diary actually. It was a proper cannabis plant but obviously didn't have the energy/food (light) to produce trichomes. I smoked it and it obviously did nothing, so I thought I would concentrate it down by putting it in coco oil. Ate the whole plant at once and it did jack shit lol CFL's are not the one for growing. They are, at a stretch (no pun intended), ok for cloning apparently because you can get them so close to the dome which helps with condensation. I dont clone so doesn't really matter. I am in the middle/end of planning a S.I.P grow system for my next grow. It will also be passive so I wont need any electricity for pumps or anything. I saw it on youtube, it's the pot, in pot, in pot method. It basically what i'm doing now but i'll have an upside down pot sat in a slightly bigger normal plant pot. I then get waterproof pots/buckets (I have 4 at least that are a perfect fit. It involves using a float valve and a water level box that comes from the raised res via hose fittings secured with silicon. It's basically an AutoPot system with the float valve in a separate lightproof tub, then flows on down to the plants - then obviously when the water level lowers because of wicking action within the soil/coco sipping it up from the float-box, it will automatically fill it back up to where it needs to be. It will basically be at the same level the whole time because of the float valve - once it has wicked it up for the first time anyway. Search pot in pot in pot hydroponics system and you will find the video on youtube, its really interesting.
GMSgrowscommentedweek 44 years ago
Looking good...
Rabidrejectcommented4 years ago
@GMSgrows,Thanks mate! That is the one thats a week behind the others and is in a hempy bucket with soil!. Looking really good but just started pre-flowering, so I dont think ill get loads off of it. Still, looks lovely atm and the chrysanthemums are doing their job REALLY well, like stupidly well.
Fast_Budscommentedweek 14 years ago
Hey there, Thanks so much for running a diary of our genetics 🙌 Let us know if you need any assistance, we’re more than happy to help. Happy Growing !!! 🌱☘️🌴🍀🌿🌳
Rabidrejectcommented4 years ago
@Fast_Buds,hey, yeah i am having a few problems with my hempy buckets actually. Its since I have switched to this new batch but im running the same media as last time and it is only in the two hempy's. (they just look under-fed), iv just removed the root ball of the last plant. Do you recommend I irrigate for a short period of time but lots of times per day or having it so it runs for a long period but more intermittently. I have just got a dripper system so fine tuning it to give the right amount of water at each corner of the pot is the only thing I have changed. It used to be I would just water a lot every few days. I think I may set up the waterer to do something more like that. Have it run for like 5 mins every 2 days rather than 20s every 3h. I was listening to a podcast and they were saying the point of hempies is that the water level at the botttom goes up and down so it seems logical to run the auto irrigation system as close to how I used to do it as possible, I guess. The soil plants are gpoing swimmingly though! thery are just getting watered when they need it. every day at the minute really but we are in the middle of a heatwave so yeah. sorry im babbling, all iv smoked today is that lemon pie autop of yours and it really amps me up! Even the stuff I harvested really late and flushed fully to a complete fade isnt knarly glue you to the couch type smoke. FYI - it's the Gorrilla Glue and the Straw-Nana diaries im having slight issues with. I have only just upped my nutrient solution but I think its to do with the way I have my new irrigation setup.... ALso thanks for taking the time to thank me, thats really nice! Also, I love the way you are starting to put more articles up on your website. I think those are awesome. Yesterday, I looked at the list of 9 essential tools for the grow. stuff such as zip ties and duct tape. Anyway, I read throuigh the list and was like check, check check to everything on there. It was great. I personally think the one thing you missed off the list is jars to put your spoils in after drying, to cure them (Shout out to Boveda for that). Other than that it was a pretty perfect list.
Grow3rPTcommentedweek 123 years ago
Que maravilha irmao, parabéns 💪
Grow3rPTcommentedweek 34 years ago
Boas, que maravilha, aproveita o crescimento e desenvolvimento. E no final uma boa colheita :) Passa no meu diário e deixa o teu comentário. Abraço
JamMAKEcancommentedweek 14 years ago
Very nice🏆🏆keep up the HARD WORK growMie
DreamITcommentedweek 14 years ago
Enjoy growth mate 🍀🦄🤘
Trixxcommentedweek 14 years ago
Good luck growmie 🙏💚
TeknoRangercommentedweek 14 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
Rabidrejectcommentedweek 123 years ago
Hey guys, does anyone know why It isn’t asking me for my dry weight in the harvest section on two of my diaries? It’s very odd, it asks my wet hanging weight but I went back I to my straw-nana and orange sherbert diary and the dry weight section isn’t there!
Rabidrejectcommentedweek 34 years ago
Oh also I have a stack of real CITIZEN CLU-048 COB LED Modules for sale. I bought a whole pack of waaay more than I could ever need so have banged Em on eBay but obviously if there is someone on this community that could make use of them then get in touch. I also have a 240w output meanwell HLG driver I’m willing to let go!
the end.
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