I definitely have to preface this one with 'suggested only' and this is based on my personal opinion and what I do...
Honestly, I wouldn't top at all at this point in the game, not because you can't, but more so, why? If there's only 7-14 days left of veg, the topping may not leave enough time for recovery before for the flip. Well...they will recover, but they may not be as large or as strong as your other laterals/tops and/or produce as large of colas as your other mains that have been left to grow naturally. If you're looking to increase that yield (I'm sure you are!!!😄 who wouldn't!) I would suggest doing some more training and pulling the tops further away from one another, opening up the canopy a bit and exposing your lower lateral shoots to light and air. This will promote their growth and they will grow quickly to (almost) canopy height (Instead of topping again with my bushy Do-si-Dos, I did more LST instead and brought 9! new shoots through center canopy. Only kept four, but 9 popped up, above canopy within 4 days...)
This isn't really what you asked, I know😕 but I wanted to suggest a solution instead of topping. Suggested to keep what you have, not to top any more sections and use LST instead, to get the results you're looking for. No stress, no recovery and your results will be the same if not better (You'll probably produce more new tops with LST then with topping 1 or more sections). I love LST and try my best to circumvent any cutting if LST can be used instead. Your girls have all the space in the world to grow! Train those girls out further and in two weeks it'll look like a big dome of colas/tops.
Best of luck with whatever course of action you take. No matter what, the girls look great and I wish you luck entering flower. Get those yields buddy!!!!😊👍