I recently helped my father move, and in the attic we found a bunch of stuff from the past. Among these things were a glass container with cannabis seeds. He told me that they were from a guy who supplied their village with (shitty) pot when he was a teenager, and they were at least 40 years old. I took a few seeds and didn't expect them to even germinate.
I sanded the seed slightly and soaked it for 15 hours in lukewarm tap water (pH 7.5) and put it in a paper towel and in a ziploc bag at 28th of november 2019.
It's been almost 2 months but it finally happened -- a tap root has emerged!
January 22: Seed successfully sprouted into a seedling. Transplanted the jiffy into a 1L container with moist peat moss and covered it with a plastic cup. Let's call it Day One and see where it goes!
Day 2: Got home from work and found a yellowing and halfway wilted seedling. I removed the jiffy from the peat moss and the seedling from the jiffy, cleansed with tap water and put it back into an almost dry jiffy. Crossing my fingers!
Day 3: Plant CPR seems to have worked. Seedling is getting its green color back and no longer fighting just to stay upright.
Day 4: Doing perfectly well again.
Day 5: Watering 10ml every 6 hours.
Day 6: Another attempt at transplanting into an actual pot. Let's hope it doesn't yellow up like the last time :)
Day 7: It survived the night in its new home. Looks like we have a working setup for the next few weeks.
I have the heat stress under control (reduced heat, increased lamp distance, increased RH%), but the leaves are also showing signs of imbalanced nutrients -- can anyone please help? It looks like CalMag/S issue, but I'm not sure.
Not noticing any issue leaves look perfectly fine ... If this was a cal-mag issue the young leaves would be yellow, but the veins would still be green or the part between veins would be yellow.
So my dad just came over last week with a little glass bottle that has seeds in it. He said he found them in the basement in an old stash box, and probably 30+ years old. I told him there's no way they will germinate. Guess I need to try!!!
@Locnar2112, That story sounds familiar. Seeds can last for a surprising amount of time. Good luck on germinating those tiny sparks of hope, my good man/woman :) Don't give up hope if it doesn't germinate right away -- this one took almost two months.