Ga4rd2en0ercommentedweek 45 years ago
Wings, I feel you actually may be under watering your plants. I would give her a through flushing and then a good saturated handed. Coco really cant be overwatered in a fabric pot. Coco is inert and needs to be recharged regularly with feedings as well as flush out what the plant didnt uptake. If your coco is getting dry to the point it blows easily, it's way too dry. For the size of your plant, a good handfeed to runoff every other day should do it until flowering kicks in and once or more per day. She will tell you. Do not listen to certain growers on here that have never grown in coco and only soil and tell you to treat it like soil and they're dead wrong. I do not have much experience for the flora series nutes with cannabis but I would recommend the frequent feedings at 2/3 strength and see if she turns around. I would put the blumats aside unless you have to head out of town again. Hopefully this helps. Happy growing!
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