Man this flower is frosty AF! Got the La boss sauce dialed in! Next round wont be a mutant no more! Wonderful experience and shift moved ridiculously fast! Very impressed!
Kept it simple with the GH diet and just with these three buisness was handled. Great production and performance. If u want to keep it simple great option right here.
My God she yeiled some wonderfully frosted buds! Just insanely dense and rich with trichomes. Smell is tantalizing and luring. Haves stoners like k9 dogs sniffing around... when u got a tiny piece in ur pocket lmfao! DANK!!!
Yeild was wonderful for such a short period of flowering time. Amazing trial run and i will definitely be able to use this experience for better results next run.
Until next time happy growing and stay lit fam!
@CRiSPrGrow,plant is only approaching the 7 week mark and I could chop her today shes that ready. Just need to flush the bitch! I'm staggered and shocked at how fast shit moved!
@CRiSPrGrow,Get some solid instructions for application and doseage regulating chart and YES most definitely anybody can achieve quality product fast with the "sauce". Perfect thing is with an auto ur talking like 3 weeks veg 3-4 weeks flower tops to be ripe! Really hard to fuck up that bad in 6-7 weeks fam! Like "growing pot for dummies"
@CRiSPrGrow,😉 the frost is unreal brother! If I could just stabilize intake levels to keep true form of flowers! We shall see results from Mutant X II 🤔