Looking good for 2 1/2 weeks, oldest plant is starting to throw pistils. They’re also now giving off that fantastic citrus smell you get with lemon haze
Do these seedlings look relatively healthy? Anything I should monitor? Just trying to be extra careful since it's my 1st time and they're really fragile
They're 2 1/2 days, 2 days, 1 day, and freshly sprouted. Their size corresponds to their age, all growing at a similar rate.
Hey Goon,
They're looking happy and healthy, the only tips i have is keep an eye on your ph always and keep humidity high. I use a clear cup on top with a couple holes poked for air and keep the cups moist....like a homemade humidity dome.
Happy growing....
P.S. dont be bothered by the cotyledons dying off after the first leaves get growing.✌️
Mars ts1000w in a 2x4 tent (not using the entire space, I know the light can't cover it), a carbon filter w/exhaust fan, and some foxfarms ocean forest. I've heard the soil can be too hot nutrient wise for seedlings but so far I haven't had any issues. Once they're older I'm going to use the foxfarm trio of nutrients.