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Amnesia Haze Auto

7 years ago
Fission 300W Light Emitting Diodes/400W
Fission 300W Light Emitting Diodes/250W
Fission 300W Light Emitting Diodes/150W
Fission 300W Light Emitting Diodes/1000W
Room Type
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
Grow medium
19 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
7 years ago
2.54 cm
20 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
109 PPM
48 %
17 °C
20 °C
22 °C
19 L
0 L
45.72 cm
I’m also using Fox farm Nutes and Sour Dee by Cutting Edge just haven’t used them on this plant yet. But I will be. I have many different strains going at different ages. I’m throwing this auto out there to see if there is any interest and maybe I’ll post more. I keep track of everything I do to the plants and would love to share what I’ve learned over the past couple years.
Week 2. Vegetation
7 years ago
5.08 cm
20 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
29 PPM
48 %
17 °C
20 °C
22 °C
19 L
0 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 5
Mammoth P - Mammoth Microbes
Mammoth P 0.159 mll
Cal-Mag Plus  - Botanicare
Cal-Mag Plus 0.396 mll
pH Up - Botanicare
pH Up 0.396 mll
It’s day 12-13 today and she looks great. Not much to say other then she seems to be really happy. I’m hoping to top her in the next week or two, right before growth explodes is when I’ve found that autos like to be topped. Bext watering I’m going to give it a little feed and some sourdee. I’ll try to keep ppm down to around 100-150. Thanks everyone. This site has been awesome.
1 like
Week 3. Vegetation
7 years ago
10.16 cm
20 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
180 PPM
71 %
17 °C
20 °C
22 °C
19 L
0 L
45.72 cm
500 PPM
Nutrients 5
Mammoth P - Mammoth Microbes
Mammoth P 0.159 mll
Cal-Mag Plus  - Botanicare
Cal-Mag Plus 0.396 mll
pH Up - Botanicare
pH Up 0.396 mll
Topped the plant on Sunday and she is doing awesome by Wednesday. Let me know what you think about the video! I may do more once I’m feeling better and have this go pro a little more figured out. Maybe some timelapse. And excuse the voice in the video, I’m currently sick.
Week 4. Vegetation
7 years ago
35.56 cm
20 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
180 PPM
71 %
17 °C
20 °C
22 °C
19 L
1 L
45.72 cm
500 PPM
Nutrients 5
Mammoth P - Mammoth Microbes
Mammoth P 0.159 mll
Cal-Mag Plus  - Botanicare
Cal-Mag Plus 0.396 mll
pH Up - Botanicare
pH Up 0.396 mll
I only got one picture this week due to Christmas and everything being so hectic. I plan on posting a few more either later today or tomorrow along with a video. But she has exploded as you can tell. Around 10-12 inches in around a week. I expect her to be around 4-5 feet when all is said and done. She’s showing what I think is Nitrogen tox but I’m not sure. She hasn’t been fed much of anything besides what I have listed. But fan leaves are huge some of the biggest I’ve seen. Like and follow and plz let me know what you think!
Week 5. Vegetation
7 years ago
60.96 cm
20 hrs
24 °C
1089 PPM
71 %
17 °C
20 °C
22 °C
19 L
1 L
45.72 cm
500 PPM
Nutrients 8
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 0.793 mll
Tiger Bloom - Fox Farm
Tiger Bloom 1.057 mll
Open Sesame - Fox Farm
Open Sesame 0.651 mll
Ive been pretty busy over the holidays and probably should have started training her a little sooner. Growth just really exploded over the past 2 weeks. Approx 2 feet of new growth. She is doing amazing tho. I have a bunch of new pictures of my other diaries I need to post so be on the lookout for those! Thanks everyone and like and follow!
Week 6. Flowering
7 years ago
76.2 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
1089 PPM
71 %
17 °C
20 °C
22 °C
19 L
1 L
45.72 cm
500 PPM
Nutrients 12
Sour Dee 2.642 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.604 mll
Tiger Bloom - Fox Farm
Tiger Bloom 2.604 mll
She’s really stretching and has a mess of tops. It’s funny you can really tell it was in a smaller tent . It still has its square shape to it. I’ve been super busy with working 60+ hours a week lately so I haven’t been on my picture taking game but be on the look out for videos and pictures of the bagseed and this plant very soon! Hopefully by the weekend!
Week 7. Flowering
7 years ago
76.2 cm
24 hrs
24 °C
1089 PPM
71 %
17 °C
20 °C
22 °C
19 L
1 L
45.72 cm
500 PPM
Nutrients 12
Sour Dee 2.642 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.604 mll
Tiger Bloom - Fox Farm
Tiger Bloom 2.604 mll
She’s smelling great! And she’s getting really tall. Probably my favorite auto so far and it’s only 2 weeks into flower! I’m thinking she’s gunna be a huge yielder! More pictures with my good camera to come this weekend! I finally have a day off work!


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Rippercommentedweek 57 years ago
Looks like she didn’t slow down from her training. Great looking bush you have going.
Rippercommented7 years ago
@UncleErrl, she looks fabulous.
UncleErrlcommented7 years ago
@Ripper, no not really at all. I even split a branch off of the main stalk it didn’t completely separate but enough that I could see it. But it didn’t show any signs of being stressed! Im very happy with the way she’s been stretching!
SamiGreen87commentedweek 37 years ago
You should wire tie those wires together. Ive tripped a breaker trying to step over wires at work.
SamiGreen87commented7 years ago
@UncleErrl, cool, I’m in Hvac. I do a bit of electrical work as well. Glad to here from a fellow tradesman.
UncleErrlcommented7 years ago
@SamiGreen87,Pretty sure what you saw was the lights I was using to light up what I was filming and everything in that right corner is not really excessable. But I don’t think anyone knows this on this site. I’m a master electrician. I have 4 dedicated 20 amp circuits And 3 are on dedicated hard wired timers. With a battery powered back up alarm that only goes off if there is no power to the timers line side. Power outage or tripped breaker which I can’t foresee me tripping anything. I’m over killing it with power.
UncleErrlcommented7 years ago
@SamiGreen87,Pretty sure what you saw was the lights I was using to light up what I was filming and everything in that right corner is not really excessable. But I don’t think anyone knows this on this site. I’m a master electrician. I have 4 dedicated 20 amp circuits And 3 are on dedicated hard wired timers. With a battery powered back up alarm that only goes off if there is no power to the timers line side. Power outage or tripped breaker which I can’t foresee me tripping anything. I’m over killing it with power.
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DabCrabcommentedweek 47 years ago
Coming along absolutely beautifully buddy. Looks like your girls absolutely love the way you've set up their 1000W. I can't wait to see what happens to these girls once you start training them and pop them over to flower. Best wishes buddy :D
DabCrabcommented7 years ago
@UncleErrl, Sounds good buddy. I'll be waiting eagerly to see the results. Good luck :D
UncleErrlcommented7 years ago
@DabCrab, I’m prob going to do a light training either today or tomorrow. She’s really taking off. Be on the lookout for a video
CAMOGROWNcommentedweek 67 years ago
Really like the topping bro! Might supercrop mine now seeing as they like training lol
UncleErrlcommented7 years ago
@CAMOGROWN, just experiment:) everyone says you can’t do this you can’t do that but I don’t believe it until I’ve tried it for myself. They are more similar to photos then people give them credit for. Some don’t mind it and others do. My critical mass auto hated being topped. But so does my obiwan kush which is a photo. My advice is start super early. As soon as you can start training do it because autos grow so fast you will come in one day and the stems will be huge and not easily bent. But the this girl seems like a real winner. And I’m thinking she’s gunna be a big yielder! Thanks for the comment!
BudKingsGrowcommentedweek 47 years ago
Looking great!!
UncleErrlcommented7 years ago
@BudKingsGrow, thank you! Look out For a video today ! I did a little training on her and she is now a fat bottom girl! Super excited to see how she takes it!
DabCrabcommentedweek 17 years ago
Theres nothing I love more than logging on and seeing a beautiful little seedling in my feed. She looks like such a gorgeous little baby and I can't wait for the surprises she has in store for us. I'm excited to see where this grow goes and how it turns out. I'm even more excited to see the methods of training and the nutrient regiment you have planned for her. I wish you the best of luck in this grow and I'm ecstatic to see what happens. Best wishes buddy, Cheers.
Tazardcommented7 years ago
@DabCrab, great welcoming! 👍
BudKingsGrowcommentedweek 77 years ago
Love Amnesia Haze, and RQS is great genetics! Your grow is looking phenomenal this week, Keep it coming 😀
Zannabis7commentedweek 77 years ago
Now that's a stem. She's nice and healthy. Nicely done.
StuPidmancommentedweek 67 years ago
I have one of these beans in my to-do pile. Looking great! Following....
Rippercommentedweek 67 years ago
A great update she looks fantastic
BudKingsGrowcommentedweek 67 years ago
Really looking good this week!
Zannabis7commentedweek 57 years ago
This is a KILLER looking grow. I see some experience shining through here. Nice job! I am attempting my first "topless" SCROG (trying to bend instead) with 6 different strains right now, one of which is a Royal Queen Northern Lights and one a Buddha Haze. It would be cool if you would follow along and make a suggestion or two. - Zannabis7
UncleErrlcommentedweek 77 years ago
I’m new to growing but I really don’t get why people get so caught up in nutrient levels and everything. You need to learn to read your plants they are going to tell you exactly what they need and how much of it. And you need to document those ratios if you plan on growing the strain again and use that information to make your process easier. But all plants are different even plants from the same parents can be vastly different. The amnesia haze has been a little bit of a learning curve but it’s sucking up the nutes more so then any of my other autos.
Magnetous_trykocommented7 years ago
@UncleErrl, Yes definetly very sweet smell especially when you rub a bud! Quite surprising for amnesia! The landrace genes may have modified her organoleptic profile a bit. I had to delay my second run coz I'm waiting for my new light but I should soon be germinating the same strain again (this w-e hopefully). We'll see if the next turns out to be the same. As you say, as long as she takes it, feed her!
UncleErrlcommented7 years ago
@Magnetous, did yours smell of straight bubble gum? And as long as she’s showing me she’s hungry she’s gunna be fed. I’m almost curious to see what it would take to burn her because I’ve given her 1gl of 1400ppm twice and she sucked it all down within a day both times . I usually go a day with water then a day of feed and then another water then a day or two of drying out. Wonder if on my second water if I should try a half strength feed and see how she takes it.
Magnetous_trykocommented7 years ago
@UncleErrl, I agree this strain is quite hungry in flo, unlike in veg where she can quickly burn. I had this exact behaviour with mine. And I presume she showed such vivid colors because of a little defficiency late in flowering. Yours seems very healthy! Can't wait to see the buds!
goarillacommentedweek 77 years ago
Aren't you afraid you're gonna nuteburn your plant. You got 3 sources of NPK and are mixing organic and organo-mineral nutrients ? You went from 5 ml/l of chemicals to 14 ml/l when you went into flowering. I think that's insane.
UncleErrlcommented7 years ago
@goarilla, no what I have listed is the companies recommendations. I go by what’s worked in the past at different stages of growth and fluctuate the ec or ppm accordingly. I have a base set of nutes that is almost always going in unles I’m flushing because I use r/o water and then I up the ec or ppm with fox farms grow big, big bloom, and tiger bloom but I have my ratios I use. I really Never use the recommended dosage on the bottle
Tazardcommentedweek 37 years ago
Love the video. Is that a small fan hanging from the temperature probe?
UncleErrlcommented7 years ago
@Tazard,it’s just a thermometer/humidity. I just couldn’t find a good spot for it so I have it dangling from the ceiling at around my canopy level. I have another down at ground level to see what the temp is down low because my tents are in my garage. They are raised off the ground approx. 3-4 inches. But it still gets pretty cold at night. Especially if it’s really windy. But thank you! I’m going to try to make one every week. Be on the look out for a couple more grows.
Magnetous_trykocommentedweek 77 years ago
Dude the stem of mine is also epic just like yours! Never saw a fatter stem indoor! I'll be posting a pic of it in my next update. And your lady seems so healthy, good job!
UncleErrlcommentedweek 77 years ago
They do. Really interested in getting more of there strains. Smell is amazing. Kind of bummed I didn’t start her a little later so I could have kept her under 20 hours of light but she got to big to quick. Easily 2ft x 2ft squared and around 3ft tall. I’m super excited to see what she yields
UncleErrlcommentedweek 37 years ago
@samigreen87, Pretty sure what you saw was the lights I was using to light up what I was filming and everything in that right corner is not really excessable. But I don’t think anyone knows this on this site. I’m a master electrician. I have 4 dedicated 20 amp circuits And 3 are on dedicated hard wired timers. With a battery powered back up alarm that only goes off if there is no power to the timers line side. Power outage or tripped breaker which I can’t foresee me tripping anything. I’m over killing it with power.
UncleErrlcommentedweek 27 years ago
I just topped her on Saturday and growth has slowed a little but she seems to be taking it pretty well. I will upload every Friday a weeks worth of pictures. Thank you everyone for the support. This really is my first real attempt at growing and it seems to be going very well. I tried to grow once before 8-10 years ago and didn’t have much success outdoors. So indoors I went. But look for a few more plants to come in the next week or two. Chemdog #4 (blimburn), obiwan kush (canuk) , blueberry og limited edition (Barney’s farm), berryblue auto (oasis).
UncleErrlcommentedweek 17 years ago
Thank you! I have some other girls going but I found this website only like a week ago and thought I would start an auto and see where it goes. Thank you for the support! I checked your grows out and they look awesome. I’ve never grown amnesia haze auto from rqs so I’ll have see how she takes training and topping even tho I usually only top my autos once if at all. But if anyone has any knowledge on amnesia haze please share.
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Amnesia Haze AutoAmnesia Haze Auto
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