Ok... wow! Another great week of growth! Plants are healthy and vibrant... the smells are wonderful...
So what's new with MA#3? Well her many bud sites are now becoming more fragrant and sticky.. She is a happy plant!
I've continued with the LST and light trimming. Really did minimal addition this week hoping giving her a slight break will be good for her. I'm still trying bending and hiding of the fan leaves with some success..
I added 1/2 the dose/ concentration of "Big Buds ORGANIC" 1 feeding (GD does not have the ORGANIC version listed, so I listed the normal one)just for a slight kick. Seems to have responded nicely to it. Not anything "drastic" or "phenomenal" but "nicely". My watering as still as before, a cpl light waterings followed by a heavy.
So, you'll notice the pics of the JUG.. ok, so I was curious about adding CO². I've read a bit on it, and the "theory" is sound I guess, so I did my own Redneck-ification.. I used a 1 gal jug, put in 3 cups of sugar, 2tsp yeast, water, and covered the opening with a balloon that I poked a few holes in... yeast fermentation creates CO²... extremely cheap and easy to do... (as a side note, I found out fungus/ mushrooms create CO²! Looking at adding mushroom grow inside my tent... think about it... look it up!
I dont know if having "companion plants" like I do in the current setup is actually effective or not, but its pretty... and it doesnt hurt anything. But it does appear that my Basil and Oregano are not fans of my grow light (tho the Pot and apparently the Lavender do), seems like it's too much for them..
Overall in my opinion a successful week of good growing...
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Hey there,
Thanks so much for running a diary of our genetics 🙌
Let us know if you need any assistance, we’re more than happy to help.
Happy Growing !!! 🌱☘️🌴🍀🌿🌳
Week 1!
All organic grow, using Foxfarm ocean forest soil with "KIND Hot Soil". Use of added organic nutrients are at a minimum due to the soil being pre loaded with cannabis pleasing nutrients.