
Double Grape S2 P2

4 years ago
Room Type
weeks 4-5
weeks 4-5
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 7
20 hrs
Light Schedule
Day Air Temperature
9+ conditions after
3.906 ml/l
Mammoth P - Mammoth Microbes
Mammoth P
0.156 mll
Commented by
BladeCutter BladeCutter
4 years ago
D43: JUST PICTURES. NO ACTION D44: CONTINUED REMEDIATION (No Pictures) - The plant seems to be responding well to the treatment, so I will continue as planned. - Watered with 1 liter of water with Mammoth P according to label directions. pH adjusted to about 6.5 D45: EVEN MORE AGGRESSIVE REMEDIATION - The plant is looking better every day. Not as quickly as I might like, but it is improving. - Watered with 2 liters of RO water (didn't intend to use RO) with a sprinkling of Aloe Vera all adjusted to about 6.0. I am wondering if my pH is too high, this should help it go down a bit. D46: JUST LET IT GROW - I continue to remove the most damaged leaves. - Opened the plant up to the light. I don't expect to do any more training through harvest. D48: ONE LAST "FLUSH" - Recalibrated the pH meter. It was reading accurately, but I wanted the assurance of a recalibration. - Watered with 2 liters tap water pH'd to about 6.3. It included Mammoth P and Aloe Vera flakes. (I just learned that I am using the Aloe incorrectly. I will change my process the next time I use it.) - No meaningful runoff. - Not really a "flush" but an attempt to give the plants a chance to find the nutrients that might not find in a dry pot. - The plant looks OK, but it does not appear "robust,"
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Grow Questions
BladeCutterstarted grow question 4 years ago
The leaves at the top of the plant seem to be curling up. My first guess is that there is too much light. I recently moved my light down to 12 inches above the canopy. The PPFD should still be under 1,000, but I don't know what else could be causing it. Please help. 🙏
Leaves. Curl up
Setup. Lighting
CRiSPrGrowanswered grow question 4 years ago
it's mostly down to the temperature i suppose, actually the relationship between the temperature and the humidity regulates the stomatas on the leafs, if the VPD is not where it should be the stomatas can open or contract in a way that bends the whole leafs. Lots of new words, basically stomatas are the leaf pores, VPD is vapor pressure deficit. Hope this helps ! 🚀

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CRiSPrGrowweek 10
hey there, hope i answered your question ! learn more about VPD here : this will help you level up . Anything else you need , just let me know 👊
240sxOGweek 2
I think it’s the watering part even tho your not overwatering you’re still watering it every day so that’s overwatering let it dry it needs an oxygen break before it gets watered again let it decide when it wants water not you ..
@240sxOG, I agree. I'd rather water every other day. This time I have a very light soil mix and will water in slightly greater amounts, but try to keep it to every other day.
Fruitgrowerweek 10
Also adding coco to the soil is not a bad idea. It does improve drainage, coco doesn't hold onto water very long. 👍🌱Looking like lovely buds there. And your leaves are fine for this stage of growth, it is normal for them to do this when ripening
@Fruitgrower, thanks for the reply. I harvested both plants in the garden earlier this week. I'll have a full harvest report soon, but I'm hoping for about 25 g per plant dried. That would be about 14% more fruit from these plants than my previous organic garden. Always learning.
PrairieFrostGrowweek 12
Nice buds on this girl as well!! Should be nice and sticky in the grinder:) 11 to 12 weeks is what I had with Mephisto Skywalker and my Sweet n Sour looks like she will be in the 11 week range as well. Enjoy the smoke Boss!!!!!
@PrairieFrostGrow, I harvested my last Double Grape about a week earlier and I think that was too early. This one I let it run until the plant was full of fall colors. It is drying right now, but should be able to measure dry weight tomorrow. I'm hoping for over 28 grams/plant. I may be a bit short of that.
Mr_Weeds_Autosweek 9
Nice looking buds
@Mr_Weeds_Autos, thanks for the kind words. If you have comments or questions, feel free. I like to chat. After a long time as a small hydro/photo grower (strickly personal use and then sometimes short 😕) I've moved to organic and autos. What a change. I used to spend all my time trying to control the growth, height in particular. Now it's all about getting them as big as I can. Maybe I should really follow Mephisto's advice and basically grow them as SOG! (From their 2018 Strain Guide: Best Method for overall high yield - 9 per 1,2m x 1,2m sq in 15 Liter pots) I probably should crowd four into my 18"x18" (~0.4 m sq)!