Plant B started show big difference. Once i saw leaves like this - in Nepal on the huge 4-4.5 meters wild plants.
Looks so strange. This plant get another structure.
Also this plant bigger than plant A for 17 cm, but drink just 1-1.5 l per 24 hours
Plant A looks nice and drinking 2-2.5 l per 24 hours.
Растение Б пошло по своему пути. Растет высоким, тонким, пьёт мало воды.
Fair enough, if you want to be quick to judge. If you took the time to look at the majority of my posts you would see that I am very supportive in the GD community. I will respectfully avoid your diary from here forward. Power to the Peaceful and best wishes...
@Zannabis7, i dont know what you forgot here, but ok, i'll repeat:
Don't spam in my diary - your comments so basic and bored.
You want attention, but your plants so short. You have a lot of watts, but your plants so short.
You put 20ml/l of nutrients, but you plants 15 cm after 1 month of hard work.
Please, go away and take with you all useless comments.
Great training, mate. Had to visit all the weeks because this project is very interesting. The final result seems to be amazing already. Very nice job!
@TOTEM, thanks dude.
I always pulled them down until I heard the crack of broken branches.
In this grow i discovered for myself the FIMing technique - it's very powerful.
As i see you love to train your plants hard - huge-stress-training diary is shows how you feel the plant.
Looks like you are off to a great start. Some interesting training you got going. Looking nice and healthy. Nice job. Best wishes on the grow - Zannabis7
Dude epic grow! Ive have the same strain going right now for my first. Bookmarked yours for reference.
I'm having a similar experience. 2 plants - one is growing great. The other is growing super weird. Stretchy and throwing out all kinds of strange growth. I wonder if maybe it's the genetics? The stable one is killer tho. FIM worked great for me as well. She threw out hella side branches. Still staying pretty short in week 2 of flower like yours. It's great to see how she might turn out.
Nice work!