
Looking for my Mother...

7 years ago
In House Genetics - Trainwreck
In House Genetics - Blueberry
In House Genetics - Grand Daddy
In House Genetics - Super Lemon
In House Genetics - Green Crack
In House Genetics - Cheese Fem
In House Genetics - White Widow
In House Genetics - Jack Herer
Room Type
weeks Technique
13 L
Pot Size
0.95 L
Grow Conditions
Week 6
18 hrs
Light Schedule
12+ conditions after
3+ nutrients after
Commented by
Madge Madge
7 years ago
12/23 Day 36: Hmmm, nobody home but me myself and I... Hanging out in the lab looking at all the pretty ladies. ;) Coffee in one hand chocolate in the other. Last night the temps stayed around 20 degrees which I am very happy with. I am however worried about having both lights on and the heater so have been manually switching the plugs in and out each morning and before bed time. I need to figure out what circuits I have available because 630W of light plus fans and a small heater is a little much for my liking on a 15A circuit so I am manually ensuring it all can't come on at the same point. If I add a dehumidifier I am positive I would be begging for trouble! Ladies are looking great today. I saw a few holes in a few leaves a couple of days ago so I got some bug-b-gon from the hydro store. I haven't used it yet other than on a test leaf as the problem never spread. I am however prepared and will likely give the veg plants a quick spray before switching to 12/12 just to be safe. The only pests I've had in the garden have been a handful of gnats and they are definitely under control so I am pleased but prepared. . 12/24 Day 37: Christmas Eve, the ladies had to spend the evening alone. There was a mandatory Party Evening. Was great, had some beer and enjoyed the evening with family. As much as I think of the girls as family, not everyone does... ;) . 12/25 Day 38: Merry Christmas! Boy oh boy these ladies were thirsty. The got their first full pot feed / water today which was roughly 3.5 L per pot. 5.7 pH with 700 ppm, the humidity has been hovering around 50 the past few days but I'll bet that skyrockets tonight... It is making me worry a lot about the plant I have that is pretty much done flowering. I kinda want to pull it tonight just to make sure... But then I also want to let it go longer. Maybe I will leave it outside the Flower Room tonight to see what happens and then decide in the morning. . 12/26 Day 39: The ladies were rocking out the Christmas tunes tonight. Nothing to report at all in regards to the ladies. That said, my electrician stopped by today and installed two 120V 20A circuits to the garden. Now I can sleep knowing that I won't be tripping any breakers or overheating any wires. In a few days I'd like to start cleaning up the power cords to make it all pretty... I also have to pick up a few cover plates as he didn't have the right ones in the truck. Oh and I installed a pipe to collect all of the run off from the drain table down into a bucket. Next watering should be much easier to deal with! WOO HOO! . 12/27 Day 40: HELP.... I found some creatures living at the base of a plant in the soil... What are these guys? I immediately sprayed some BUG-B-GON on all of the vegging plants and scattered some diatomaceous earth on the soil, it's all I can think off off the top of my head. Quick search of common cannbis pests doesn't seem to turn anything up. Looking for opinions of others! . 12/28 Day 41: Whazzup?! I haven't seen any more bugs. I did get a dehumidifier in the room and set it to 50% Just playing with the girls and spun them around a few times, I think they like that. Man I am starting to see the room filling in. Too much I think. I need to consider culling the lot very soon. . 12/29 Day 42: I started defoliating and a bit of topping maintenance and then realized I wanted to make some changes to my cloner so it didn't leak anymore. I filled it with water in preparation for defoliating tomorrow and trying to get a few clones to see how they root. These girls got much bigger than I had hoped for in a mother as they stretched too when it got cold at night so I am thinking that I need to start new mothers and flower some of these plants out instead. . 12/30 Day 43: I never made it as a wise man; Couldn't cut it as a poor man stealing. Nickleback baby! Well, I got the cloner going and moved a bunch of cuttings today as I cleaned up. As I said before I tried to give away the plants I wasn't keeping but the guy that was going to take them had to back out last minute when his wife found out. So today 7 plants were taken down and destroyed and one left with my mother. Height had a lot to do with my decision on which to keep. Those that stretched too much were removed, the funny thing is that's was mostly the ones I had originally decided to be my keepers but they were the ones with the huge temp swings when I first transplanted them. . While I had everything out for evaluation I cleaned the drain table then got it dirty when I put everything back in there... ;) I also topped everything when I had it out as I'd like to try and keep them no more than 24" before the switch. I think tomorrow I will try and make a few scrogs then I can probably Supercrop them into it. I know today should be the start of a new week but I'll do that tomorrow... Oh I just spaced out... I'd better save now. Maybe I can grab a few photos after. If not definitely tomorrow when I start the new week.
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JUNGLE_B4RNScommentedweek 77 years ago
That’s a lot of work to make this kind of ScrOG.
JUNGLE_B4RNScommented7 years ago
@Madge, ok I see 😅 And I agree it’s gonna be hard to find bamboos under the snow 😄😄😄
Madgecommented7 years ago
@JUNGLE_B4RNS, Couldn't find anything much local. Most of the stores have put away the gardening supplies. I'm in a small town with a foot of snow on the ground. Most people aren't gardening right now! ;)
JUNGLE_B4RNScommented7 years ago
@Madge, you could have use bamboos sticks 😉
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Rippercommentedweek 77 years ago
Did you get the bugs killed?
Madgecommented7 years ago
@Ripper, I never did see any more of them. I really couldn't identify them as any of the common crop pests so I will chock it up as an abnormality. Thanks for checking in though! Props.
DabCrabcommentedweek 77 years ago
Looking lovely buddy :D
Rippercommentedweek 37 years ago
Hope you get a few good candidates out of those.
Madgecommented7 years ago
@Ripper, thanks, I hope so too.
Madgecommentedweek 67 years ago
Had a little hissie fit today when I saw those bugs, but I think I'm calm now... ;)