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CreeCXB3590 COB 1.7g/w|First Time Grower

7 years ago
Fission 300W Light Emitting Diodes/1000W
Fission 300W Light Emitting Diodes/1000W
Room Type
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
19 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
7 years ago
24 hrs
25 °C
1000 PPM
66 %
22 °C
19 L
45 cm
Nutrients 3
Raw CalMag Supplement 0.326 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 0.5 mll
Fish-Mix - BioBizz
Fish-Mix 0.5 mll
Welcome. My first official grow op, A lot of trial and error ahead. Looking forward to the journey and lots to learn and members to meet here. Grateful for this opportunity and looking forward to the results 😎 👉The Setup Running 1000Watts Cree CXB3590 COB LEDS DIY. [5x5ft] / [1.5m x 1.5m x 2m] GrowTent Intake & Exhaust Fans with Acoustic Ducting 9 AutoFlowers in 5 Gallon Fabric Pots, with a Coco Coir + Perlite Mix BioBizz Nute Grow/Bloom/FishMix Range + Silicone + CalMag + Amino Mix + Humic Mix + Fulvic Mix + RO Water 💪💪💪 👉Week 1: Building the fixture for the COBS was way more work then expected...😑 So far I Setup 2Kits out of the 5Kits, so until i complete the other kits, i will be running 400Watts. Will update you as i go. Currently on a 24/0 Light Cycle until i complete building all 5 COB Kits. 1st Week fed with a very light mix of nutes, BioGrow only and later in the week CalMag. 👽👽👽 Day 1 [16/11 Thursday] - Started Germination of the 3 White Widow Beans in cotton. Day 2 [17/11 Friday] - Started Germination of the rest of the free seeds gotten from SeedsMan.😎 Day 3 [20/11 Monday] - Transferred the germinated White Widows seeds to there pots. Day 4 [21/11 Tuesday] - Transferred the rest of the SeedsMans seeds, into the pots and the extras in cups. Day 5 [22/11 Wednesday] - Dabs Day 6 [23/11 Thursday] - Dabs Day 7 [24/11 Friday] - Added the 2nd Kit of COBS, total 400watts now, still busy building the last 3Kits fixtures / 600watts still to come. 👻👻👻 Only recently found GrowDiaries and loving it, cant remember much tho 😅 sorry guys. 👺 Update: Got my EC Meter in week 3, been feeding with 1.5EC Tap water + nutes 😢 Which explains the issue i came across in week 3. Too high EC/PPM from the start. 👋 Here is the White Widow Strain i have listed, bought it in Amsterdam on holidays years ago, finally get to grow it 😇 Its a pretty dodgy website, does anybody have any info on them? 🙌 List of strains in the Tent: Mephisto Genetics The White Train RQS Diesel Automatic Seedsman Auto Lemon Magic Seeds White Dwarf
Week 2. Vegetation
7 years ago
24 hrs
25 °C
1000 PPM
58 %
22 °C
19 L
45 cm
Nutrients 3
Raw CalMag Supplement 0.651 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1.25 mll
Fish-Mix - BioBizz
Fish-Mix 1 mll
👉Week 2 Going Good, just whitish spots starting to appear, i sense trouble coming. I think it might be Light stress/burn 😨 Exhaust fan installed. Humidity has lowered so has the temps. Upped the nutes this week, fed only BioGrow + CalMag and fed the foliage BioFish-Mix + CalMag. 👽👽👽 25/11 Saturday - Dab 26/11 Sunday - Had 3 extra beans in cups, 1 plant died and another was just growing badly, plugged them out and transplanted 2 beans from the cups. Hopefully they handle the stress good. Day 8 [27/11 Monday] - Dab Day 9 [28/11 Tuesday] - Dab Day 10 [29/11 Wednesday] - Dab Day 11 [30/11 Thursday] - Installed Exhaust Fan. Have the bottom air hole flaps open. Day 12 [1/12 Friday] - Dab 👻👻👻 *Only recently joined GrowDiaries, cant remember much 😅 I should've been taking notes daily...😒 👺👺👺 Update: Got my EC Meter in week 3, been feeding with 1.5EC Tap water + nutes 😢 Which explains the issue i came across in week 2-3. Too high EC/PPM from the start.
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Week 3. Vegetation
7 years ago
24 hrs
25 °C
3000 PPM
22 °C
23 °C
19 L
2 L
55 cm
Nutrients 5
Raw CalMag Supplement 30 mll
Silicon 0.2 mll
Amino Mix (Root Simulator) 0.2 mll
👉Week 3 Really shitty week, i messed up big time 😤. Trial and error guys💤 🙌 When Feeding Foliage i dim the lights down to around 25% and turn it back up again after an hour. Advice on this? From what ive heard, the water droplets act as magnifiers and burn the leaves when the lights are full blast, is this correct? Especially all these COBs id rather be safe then sorry. 🙌 👽👽👽 Day 15 [2/12 Saturday] - Dabs 👇 Day 16 [3/12 Sunday] - Yellowing started to show, bad sign. Fed 3ml / 5L BioGrow, 1ml / 5L Silicone and the big fuckup, fed 2TBSP of CalMag instead of 2TSP.... This is where it all went south.... also fed the foliage 2ml / 1L of BioFishMix and another mistake of 1TBPS of CalMag. This OVERDOSE of CalMag most likely caused the issues ahead. 👇 Day 17 [4/12 Monday] - Dabs 👇 Day 18 [5/12 Tuesday] - Gave a feeding, cant remember exactly what... Think it was quite strong. 👇 Day 19 [6/12 Wednesday] - My EC Meter finally arrived... Tested the tap water and it comes out at 1.5EC / 750ppm @ 0.5 😰😱😨 Yip, found the root of my problem, and ive been adding nutes on-top of that tap water, just imagine how high the EC/PPM was... I knew i had to flush asap, went out and bought RO Water and i flushed the plants without changing the PH... so i fed them at 6.5 Ph instead of the usual 5.8... So another problem, PH Fluctuations. I also didnt add any nutrients, so it was flushed at >0.1EC. 👇 Day 20 [7/12 Thursday] - Gave another Flush, around 0.6EC / 300ppm @ 0.5. Added a tiny bit of BioGrow + Silicon + Amino Mix. PH at 5.7 👇 Day 21 [8/12 Friday] - Finally finished building the last 3 Kits (600watts) Will hang it up tomorrow.😴 👻👻👻 👉 Cant remember when exactly i tested the Runoff, but the EC was coming out at 4-7EC / 2000-3500ppm... This was before the flushes. Insane i know. 👉 I also notcied what i believed to be light burn/stress so i lifted the COBS to about around 55cm above the plant.
Week 4. Vegetation
7 years ago
24 hrs
27 °C
500 PPM
62 %
23 °C
22 °C
19 L
1 L
60 cm
Nutrients 5
Raw CalMag Supplement 0.6 mll
Silicon 0.22 mll
Amino Mix (Root Simulator) 0.2 mll
👋Listed the average total over the week in my Grow Conditions.* 👉Week 4, Things are going much better and kids looking way healthier 😁😇 Guess i should thank the coco for the quick recovery speed? 😏 👽👽👽 Day 22 [9/12 Saturday] - Hanged up the final 600 watts. One kit out of the 5 isn't running as i ran out of wire, so my total watts is 800w for now. 👇 Day 23 [10/12 Sunday] - Giving them there full amount of nutes now as the runoff is finally looking good. So feeding Totals around 1.4EC / 700ppm @ 0.5. Each plant was given 1.6L water 10ml/5L BioGrow 1ml/5L Silicone & Amino Mix 1/8th tsp CalMag - (0.25 - 0.35EC) / (125 - 175ppm) 👇 Day 24 [11/12 Monday] - Kids looking much healthier now compared to before, pots quite heavy and coco feels pretty wet, so going to give a feeding tomorrow rather. 👇 Day 25 [12/12 Tuesday] - Gave them the full round of nutes, same as Sunday. Around 1.4EC / 700ppm @ 0.5, should actually test my runoff next feeding. 👇 Day 26 [13/12 Wednesday] - Intake fan finally setup, still busy tweaking things to get good ratio of Temp & RH% . Also decided to give them another mini flush, Fed 1.1L per plant at [0.7EC / 350ppm @ 0.5 conversion] A pinch of CalMag, 1ml/5L Silicone 4ml/5L BioGrow 👇 Day 27 [14/12] Thursday - Time for another watering. Plant are really getting bushy, seems like they recovered real good man. Happy😋 Fed 1.1L per plant at [1.4EC / 700ppm @ 0.5 conversion] 1/8 Tsp of CalMag - (0.25 - 0.35EC) / (125 - 175ppm) 1.5ml/5L Silicone 4ml/5L BioGrow 0.5ml/5L Amino Mix I also gave them a Foliage feeding with a low EC to help flush out any excess nutrients. It included [0.5ml/1L BioFishMix & 1/8tsp CalMag] EC came out at around 0.6EC / 300ppm @ 0.5 Since the RH% was so low, i added to saucers filled with water to the tent. 👇 Day 28 [15/12] Friday - Temps were hitting around 29*c, leaves were showing signs of curling, think its the mix of high temps and over watering. Gave a low dose feed today to flush out any exess nutes, just to be safe. As i haven't been able to check the runoff PH/EC as i have been giving small frequent doses of water. Fed 0.5L per plant at [1EC / 500ppm @ 0.5 conversion] 1/8 Tsp of CalMag - (0.25 - 0.35EC) / (125 - 175ppm) 1ml/5L Silicone 3.5ml/5L BioGrow 👻👻👻 ✋Put another Hygrometer in my tent, seems my current Hygrometers RH% is way off... RH% on the new meter is 61%. On the old yellow one its 47% - Going to remove the RH% from my diary for the previous weeks as it wasn't accurate. The 1st Week should still be fine, i believe i messed water on the yellow hygrometer during Week 2 😒 👉 Getting A LOT of negative pressure in this tent, 4" Intake and 6" Exhaust. I have to leave a airflow flap open or else the Temps go to high, and if i increase my exhaust fan speed anymore the RH% Drops down to the 40% range... doesn't really drop the temps by much. Looks like my intake fan might be too weak, tho i am going to shorten the intake ducting, perhaps that shall help. 👉 Temps are also much higher due to all the COBS in there, 800watts of pure COB LED 😇The lights were also lifted higher to around 60cm from the Canopy ✋ The baby in the middle isn't doing so well, he was one of the transplants and guess he didn't handle the stress well...😓 Also isn't directly under any of the COBS.
Week 5. Vegetation
7 years ago
24 hrs
28 °C
750 PPM
65 %
22 °C
20 °C
19 L
2 L
50 cm
Nutrients 6
Raw CalMag Supplement 0.4 mll
Silicon 0.4 mll
Fulvic Mix 0.2 mll
👉Week 5, Things are going smooth. 👽👽👽 Day 29 [16/12 Saturday] - Dab, away from home. 👇 Day 30 [17/12 Sunday] - Oh Dammmm... Got back home and the Coco was pretty dry and the pots were quite light. Hopefully it didnt dry out too much and damage any of the roots. Last fed Friday, feeding today. Fed 1.9L per plant at [1.4EC / 700ppm @ 0.5 conversion] PH=6.0 Water Temp 19 1/8 Tsp of CalMag - (0.25 - 0.35EC) / (125 - 175ppm) 1.5ml/5L Silicone 8ml/5L BioGrow 0.5ml/5L Fulvic Mix - First dosage of Fulvic Mix 👇 Day 31 [18/12 Monday] - Some plants are starting too look abit weird, not sure what could be coming my way so decided to give it a basic feed. Some strains are also starting to flower so gave a small feeding of the BioBizzBloom nute. Fed 2.4L per plant at [1.4EC / 700ppm @ 0.5 conversion] PH=5.8 WaterTemp 22 1/8 Tsp of CalMag - (0.25 - 0.35EC) / (125 - 175ppm) 9ml/5L BioGrow 2ml/5L BioBloom Also started doing some LST, loving it. Done one plant today, pulled all the Flowering branches down and spread them out. 👇 Day 32 [19/12 Tuesday] - Looking great, done some more LST on 2 more plants. Pretty fun and time consuming. Gave them a basic feeding again, the exact same as yesterday. Setup another fan above the COBS to help lower there heat. Airflow in the tent is pretty good. Fed 1.1L per plant at [1.4EC / 700ppm @ 0.5 conversion] PH=5.8 WaterTemp 23 1/8 Tsp of CalMag - (0.25 - 0.35EC) / (125 - 175ppm) 9ml/5L BioGrow 2ml/5L BioBloom 👇 Day 33 [20/12 Wednesday] - Dab, gave them a basic feeding. 👇 Day 34 [21/12] Thursday - Forgot to buy RO Water, couldnt give a feeding :/ Moved tent to the garage from bedroom, fans were way too loud. Getting higher and lower temps and and larger temp range, things arent looking perfect so far. 👇 Day 35 [22/12] Friday - Skipped a day of feeding so had to make up for yesterday. Bought me a bottle of Kelp, i mean why not. Any recommendations on Kelp dosages? Bottle recommends 25ml/1L which seems quite strong to me and the bottle wont last long. Going to start off small and do more research before i increase the dosage. Fed 2.7L per plant at [1.5EC / 750ppm @ 0.5 conversion] PH=5.8 WaterTemp 23 1/8 Tsp of CalMag - (0.25 - 0.35EC) / (125 - 175ppm) 9ml/5L BioGrow 2ml/5L BioBloom 2ml/5L Silicone 2.5ml/5L Kelp (SeaWEEED) 👻👻👻 👋 Any recommendations on Kelp dosages? Bottle recommends 25ml/1L which seems quite strong to me and the bottle wont last long. Going to start off small and do more research before i increase the dosage. 👋
Week 6. Flowering
7 years ago
24 hrs
28 °C
800 PPM
65 %
21 °C
19 L
3 L
50 cm
Nutrients 5
Raw CalMag Supplement 0.4 mll
Silicon 0.5 mll
Kelp 0.5 mll
👉Week 6, Flowering week 👽👽👽 Day 36 [23/12 Saturday] - One plant is getting sick, quite weird that its only one out of the bunch, seems to be a Calcium Defiecny, not sure why so going to add abit more CalMag(0.4EC) only to the sick plant. Fed abit more BioBloom today as the flowers are coming out quite strong. Fed 2.2L per plant at [1.5EC / 750ppm @ 0.5 conversion] PH=5.8 1/8 Tsp of CalMag - (0.25-0.3EC) 9ml/5L BioGrow 2.5ml/5L BioBloom 2ml/5L Silicone 2ml/5L Kelp (SeaWEEED) 👇 Day 37 [24/12 Sunday] - Damm, yesterday the sick one only had a few spots, now the entire plant is covered... After some more research, it could be due to my low Ph 5.8 that it struggled to absorb the Calcium... Going to do the next feeding at 6.0. Increased the Kelp dosage aswell. Fed 2.4L per plant at [1.6EC / 800ppm @ 0.5 conversion] PH=6.0 1/8 Tsp of CalMag - (0.25-0.3EC) 10ml/5L BioGrow 2.5ml/5L BioBloom 2ml/5L Silicone 10ml/5L Kelp (SeaWEEED) 👇 Day 38 [25/12 Monday] - Shops were closed, couldnt buy RO water. Dabbbbs.... Defiantly going to invest in a RO system! Done a foliage spray with CalMag only @ around (0.45EC)... Decided not to use the BioFishMix since they are flowering? 👇 Day 39 [26/12 Tuesday] - One plant was abit droopy as i skipped Mondays watering, rest looked good. Upped the BioBloom, gave them a feeding in the morning but noticed at night the droopy plant didnt recover yet, the bottom of the pot felt abit dry to me so i cut a small hole and figured out the bottom was quite dry, guess im not feeding enough water. Fed 2.4L per plant at [1.6EC / 800ppm @ 0.5 conversion] PH=6.0 1/8 Tsp of CalMag - (0.25-0.3EC) 10ml/5L BioGrow 5ml/5L BioBloom 2ml/5L Silicone 5ml/5L Kelp (SeaWEEED) 👇 Day 40 [27/12 Wednesday] - Time to do a big watering. Plants looking really healthy and the sick plant isnt showing any new defiecny spots. Took off the LTS on the Sour Hound, it done its job for this specific strain and doesnt need it no more. Fed 3.2L per plant at [1.6EC / 800ppm @ 0.5 conversion] PH=6.0 1/8 Tsp of CalMag - (0.25-0.3EC) 10ml/5L BioGrow 5ml/5L BioBloom 2ml/5L Silicone 5ml/5L Kelp (SeaWEEED) 👇 Day 41 [28/12] Thursday - Dab 👇 Day 42 [29/12] Friday - Dab 👻👻👻 ✋ The plant outdoors was the mutant from the red cup and a Auto transplant that went bad, Just in bare Coco and feeding whats left over from the main tent. They are starting to bud.
Week 7. Flowering
7 years ago
24 hrs
28 °C
65 %
22 °C
19 L
3 L
35 cm
Nutrients 8
Kelp 1 mll
Humic Mix 0.5 mll
Fulvic Mix 0.2 mll
👉Week 7, Loving the flowering experience, the smells are amazing especially after smoking brick weed all my life, i must say im really excited haha 👽👽👽 Day 43 [30/12 Saturday] - Dab Day 44 [31/12 Sunday] - Dab Day 45 [1/01 Monday] - Dab Cant remember exactly what, Veg and Flower nutes + Silica & Kelp and also added Humic,Fulvic and Amino mix Acids. 👇 Day 46 [02/01 Tuesday] - Been feeding the 5 flowering plants with more BioBloom and the 4 Plants in Veg been feeding more BioGrow. Once the pistels start turning brown i switch over to Bloom nutes. Didnt feed any additives to keep my EC low for a mini flush. Veg Nutes: 3ml/1L BioGrow 1ml/1L BioBloom 0.25ml/1L Kelp Flower Nutes: 1ml/1L BioGrow 4ml/1L BioBloom 0.25ml/1L Kelp 👇 Day 47 [03/01 Wednesday] - Oh man the buds are really starting to fatten up and show now. Half the plants still in veg and the rest in flower. Borrowed a fancy ass camera just for you guys ;) some good pics coming up. Fed 3.2L per plant Veg Nutes: Pinch of CalMag - (0.2-0.4EC) 3ml/1L BioGrow 2ml/1L BioBloom 1ml/1L Kelp Flower Nutes: Pinch of CalMag - (0.2-0.4EC) 1ml/1L BioGrow 3ml/1L BioBloom 1ml/1L Kelp 👇 Day 48 [04/01] Thursday - Buds really starting to smell niceee. Really not sure on the nutrient shecdule when the transition to flowering begins... All my plants seem to be in different stages, so just going to play around with the nutes instead of giving them all the same thing. Cant remember the EC for each batch, will get a log book so i can keep this diary 100% up to date. Base: Fed 3.2L per plant @ 6.3PH 1ml/1L Kelp Pinch of CalMag - (0.2-0.4EC) Strong Veg/Little Flowering Nutes: 4ml/1L BioGrow 1ml/1L BioBloom Late Veg/Flowers just starting to get brown pistels, nutes: 2ml/1L BioGrow 2ml/1L BioBloom Veg Ending/Mostly flowering nutes: 1ml/1l BioGrow 3ml/1L BioBloom Veg done/Late Flower nutes: 4ml/1L BioBloom 👇 Day 49 [05/01] Friday - The pots felt pretty heavy still so gona skip the watering today, expect for 3 plants still mainly in veg. These 3 are the tallest plants, they seem to use alota water atm as their pots are very light/dried out, so i fed them. Gave clean water foliage feeding to all the plants aswell. I also moved the plants around today and arranged them from Tall to Short. Base: Fed 3.2L per plant @ 6.2PH 1ml/1L Kelp Pinch of CalMag - (0.2-0.4EC) Strong Veg/Little Flowering Nutes: 3ml/1L BioGrow 1ml/1L BioBloom 👻👻👻 🙌Got some pictures taken with a fancy camera just for you guys 😎 Hope you guys enjoy it 😊 💀 👋 Starting to regret 9 plants, things are really starting to get bushy in there now. The leaves touching each other are also forming water which could ruin everything. I have 1 big fan blowing across the canopy and 2 smaller fans blowing around the pots on the ground. Not sure what im going to do... 😰 💀 🙀Checkout the pictures on day 44, looks like one of the colas topped itself and split into 2. Good? 😅
Week 8. Flowering
7 years ago
24 hrs
28 °C
65 %
22 °C
19 L
3 L
30 cm
Nutrients 7
Kelp 1 mll
Humic Mix 0.2 mll
Amino Mix 0.2 mll
👉Week 8, Fat nugs coming out 😎 Happy man 😇 👽👽👽 Day 50 [06/01 Saturday] - Water + Feeding + DABS 👇 Day 51 [07/01 Sunday] - Water + Feeding, switched over all plants to full flower nutes. 1ml/1l BioGrow and 3m/1L BioBloom 👇 Day 52 [08/01 Monday] - No need for watering, pots feel quite heavy still. Gona leave it dry out abit. 👇 Day 53 [09/01 Tuesday] - Buds are really starting to fatten up and get dense :))) The one strain smells like sweet plums and the other strain deep into flower has a lemony scent Fed 3.2L per plant Pinch of CalMag - (0.2-0.4EC) 1ml/1L BioGrow 3ml/1L BioBloom 1ml/1L Kelp 0.5ml/1L Liquid Silicon N.B The tall sativa strains require around 800ml more water for me to get 10% runoff. 👇 Day 54 [10/01 Wednesday] - Only need to water one plant today, one of the flowering plants, she is hungryyy. The rest are still good to go till tomorrow, coco feels moist and stil has a decent amount of weight. Fed 3.2L per plant Pinch of CalMag - (0.2-0.4EC) 1ml/1L BioGrow 3ml/1L BioBloom 1ml/1L Kelp 0.5ml/1L Liquid Silicon 0.2ml/1L Humic Mix 👇 Day 55 [11/01] Thursday - Running low on nutes! Fuck did not expect these 1L BioBizz bottles to run out so quick. Ordered myself 10L & 5L bottles ;) better safe then sorry. It should be here by Monday. I only have 90ml of BioBloom left and like 50ml of BioGrow. Since i feed every 2nd day now, im going to give a small feeding today, water only on Saturday and Feed again on Monday. Fed 3.2L per plant Pinch of CalMag - (0.2-0.4EC) 0.5ml/1L BioGrow 1ml/1L BioBloom 1ml/1L Kelp 0.5ml/1L Liquid Silicon 0.2ml/1L Humic Mix 0.2ml/1L Amino Mix Tested the run off on my sick plant, recently started showing yellowing in the top growth and its the only plant out of the 9 thats have issues... The PH came out at 7.8 which is odd... Thou i do remember in like week 3 i accidental fed 3 plants non PH water, most like above 7.5 but that was pretty long ago. Will flush on Saturday 👇 Day 56 [12/01] Friday - No water needed today. The sick baby isn't doing too well, defiantly getting worse and the leaves feel very dry. The other plant that got a CalMag issue a few weeks back, im not sure if its showing new symptoms or ifs it the same old spots, but will keep checking it out. 👻👻👻 ✋ The Sour Hound and White Train are budding beautifully! The Sour Hound is extremely dense and fat, the White Trains seems to be more of a sativa bud structer. My NL seeds are also starting to show and fatten up :) 💪 A few more weeks left then its harvest time, really excited! 👋👋 Will be upload more pics tomorrow from the 10/01, dont have access to them now. Come check it out tomorrow 😘
Week 9. Flowering
7 years ago
24 hrs
28 °C
65 %
22 °C
19 L
4 L
30 cm
Nutrients 6
Kelp 1 mll
Raw CalMag Supplement 0.4 mll
Orchid Flowering Nutrients 6:20:30 0.13 mll
👉Week 9, Fun week wating for the nutes 😒Great experience to watch the plants flower out and fatten up 😇 Smells are coming along nicely now, not as strong as i thought it would be. 👽👽👽 Day 57 [13/01 Saturday] - Feeding the last of my nutes today ;( Hopefully it arrives monday. Sick baby aint doing too well... Fed 3.2L per plant @ 6.3PH Pinch of CalMag - (0.2-0.4EC) 0.5ml/1L BioGrow 2ml/1L BioBloom 1ml/1L Kelp 👇 Day 58 [14/01 Sunday] - No water today just a checkup, they looking good but the sick baby doesnt look like she is recovering too well, getting worse. 👇 Day 59 [15/01 Monday] - Nutes havent arrived yet :/ Time for its first plain water feeding. Quite sad about the sick plant. Honestly not too sure what went wrong. Fed 3.2L per plant @ 6.1PH Pinch of CalMag - (0.2-0.4EC) 👇 Day 60 [16/01 Tuesday] - Hey looks like the sick plant is starting to recover, aint getting my hopes up... Actually thinking of taking her out to make some space. No water today. Nutes should be here tomorrow. 👇 Day 61 [17/01 Wednesday] - Nutes didnt arrive, had to go buy something for the mean time, found Orchid Flowering Nutes with a 10:20:30 NPK Ratio. Should do the job for now, i hope. Bought 4L Mineral water aswell to add some micronutes, doubt this is enough. 36L RO3 + 4L Mineral water. Fed 4.2L per plant @ 6.3PH / 1.4EC Pinch of CalMag - (0.2-0.4EC) 0.5ml/1L Orchid Flower Nutes 👇 Day 62 [18/01] Thursday - White Train top leaves are dying off, not sure whats wrong. One of the sativas upper leaves are also turning yellow... Nutes are finally arriving tomorrow, looking forward to a big feed. 👇 Day 63 [19/01] Friday - Im happy the new bunch of goodies arrrived. Time to give the plants a treat. Going to continue using the Orchid Flowering nutes as theres alota confliction on coco + organic nutes... Fed 4.2L per plant @ 6.3PH / 1.6EC Pinch of CalMag - (0.2-0.4EC) 1ml/1L BioGrow 3ml/1L BioBloom 1.5ml/1L Kelp 1ml/1L PM Pro Soil - Enzymes 0.13ml/1L Orchid Flower Nutes The sick plant isnt drinkking its water, the pot is still wet after 2 days... Just going to continue watering to sort out that PH. 👻👻👻 👋👋👋Well i just found out BioBizz (Organic nutrients) isnt recommended for Coco only and i should get an enzyme to help break down the organic nutes for the plant. Luckily by chance i ordered this, just to test it out - EM Pro-soil and it turns out its exactly what i need. Its just living microbes and enzymes 😊 I stressed out and was about to go order enzymes online lol. This is what i read and confirmed with BioBizz - Organic nutes such as BioBizz dont feed plants, if you want your nutrients to feed directly your girls,then go with chemical nutes. They (organic nutes ) feed microbes in your soil/soil-less mix.and those microbes break down your organic nutes. So,you feed microbes and microbes feed your girls. thats all. dont forget that cycle. So yeah going to add a low dosage on the Flower Orchid Nutes, in case the BioBizz doesn't reach its full potential in the coco. But i just read this aswell, now im conflicted... but it sounds true as my grow has being doing great so far without any extra enzymes/microbs being added. Finally, Coir has two other very important benefits that make it excellent for plant growth. It has naturally ccuring enzymes which help ease the roots, and allow for some general stress relief and ease of new growth. It is also an amazing home for beneficial microbes of all kinds. It is organic, and as stated above, very porous, providing the needed aeration fro aerobic micrboes to colonize and thrive. Anyone has grown in Coco, used microbes, and looked at their root zone when they were finished can attest to this. Roots are firm and fluffy. Usually with Huge ropey swirls filling up the entire container (it’s hard to even see the coco by the end cause the entire container is filled with roots) with smaller tendrils coming off the larger coils, and if done correctly, fuzzy micro-hairs throughout! So hey either one is true, i luckily got the microbs/enzymes (EM Pro Soil) so i should be perfect with the BioBizz nutes either way. 🙌🙌🙌Do you guys recommend i continue mixing in the Orchid Chem nutes at a very low dosage?
Week 10. Flowering
7 years ago
24 hrs
28 °C
65 %
22 °C
19 L
4 L
35 cm
Nutrients 10
Kelp 1.5 mll
Raw CalMag Supplement 0.4 mll
Orchid Flowering Nutrients 6:20:30 0.1 mll
🙌👋🙌 Pics were taken after 2 days without water, if your wondering why the leaves are drooping. 👉Week 10, Busy week, first time experiencing the nute burn. 👽👽👽 Day 64 [20/01 Saturday] - Setup the dry tent today and Extractor fan. Moved the tent aswell to make space for my work table coming up and got a couch :) Want to hang the carbon filter in the tent, as it doesnt work at the end of the ducting but not sure if the tent will handle it, the COBS are heavy man. Also moved the sick baby outside, aint much of a recovery gona happen so best to make space for the others. Sad Days 👇 Day 65 [21/01 Sunday] - FAT FAT FAT NUGS MAN, loving it. The nugs are getting pretty big man, happy with the results so far even after all the mistakes. Fed 4.5L per plant @ 6.0PH Pinch of CalMag - (0.2-0.4EC) 1ml/1L BioGrow 3ml/1L BioBloom 1.5ml/1L Kelp 1.5ml/1L PM Pro Soil (Enzymes + Microbes) 0.2ml/1L Humic Mix 0.2ml/1L Amino Mix 0.1ml/1L Fulvic Mix 0.5ml/1L Liquid Silicon 0.1ml/1L Orchid Flowering Nutes 6:20:30 👇 Day 66 [22/01 Monday] - Just a checkup, no need to water today. The RQS Diesel is my first plant to show nute burn, going to give her a lower feeding tomorrow, i know i should water now to fix the problem but aint got the time for that today sadly. 👇 Day 67 [223/01 Tuesday] - Looking good, smell is getting pretty strong now, can smell it from the entrance. I recently starting using my Liquid silicone as PH Up instead of the actually PH Up, because i read up that the PH UP/Down additives can be bad for the organic nutes? Anyways just been using the Silicon to increase my PH. The pots were quite heavy today, not as dry as i usually expected, so i might only have to water every 3 days now. Fed 4.5L per plant @ 6.0PH Pinch of CalMag - (0.2-0.4EC) 1ml/1L BioGrow 3ml/1L BioBloom 1.5ml/1L Kelp 2ml/1L PM Pro Soil (Enzymes + Microbes) 0.2ml/1L Liquid Silicon 👇 Day 68 [24/01 Wednesday] - On the one sativa, all the leaves are turning yellowish? Not sure whatsup there... Sour Hound is doing great. Finally installed my last set of COBS, now currently running 1000w in total, dimming them to around 80% for better temps, so basically still @ 800watts. 👇 Day 69 [25/01] Thursday - Things looking good, some nute burn so going to lower the feeding today. Found Iron Chalete, will add light dosage of this. The sour hounds trichomes are starting to clear up, not sure when to start flushing. Fed 4.5L per plant @ 6.0PH Pinch of CalMag - (0.2-0.4EC) 2ml/1L BioBloom 1ml/1L PM Pro Soil (Enzymes + Microbes) 0.1ml/1L Iron Chalete 👇 Day 70 [26/01] Friday - SourHound Trichomes are starting to clear up, will slowly start the flush by lowering the EC/PPM, going for a gradual flush in the coco. 👻👻👻 👋Excited for some harvests man 😎
Week 11. Flowering
7 years ago
24 hrs
28 °C
65 %
22 °C
19 L
4 L
35 cm
Nutrients 5
Raw CalMag Supplement 0.2 mll
EM Pro-soil (Enzymes Microbes) 2 mll
Humix Mix 0.1 mll
👉Week 11, Harvest Week for the outdoor plants, White Train, Sour Hound and White Dwarf 😇 Trimming is a BITCH, but so far super happy with the yields and results 😌 Fat dense nugs 😎😎😎 👽👽👽 Day 71 [27/01 Saturday] - Busy day, couldnt get time to get any work done. Hopefully they survive 3 days without water... 👇 Day 72 [28/01 Sunday] - Sadly a few of them were drooping from being underwatered and the coco was dried out :( Pretty bad for coco to dry out ive heard. Anyways lets hope for the best, a few leaves on the dried out pots turned yellow, quite bad this actually happened.... Watered in the morning and later in the day. Morning, Fed 4.5L per plant @ 6.0PH Pinch of CalMag - (0.2-0.4EC) 0.5ml/1L BioGrow 3ml/1L BioBloom 2ml/1L PM Pro Soil (Enzymes + Microbes) Night, Fed 4.5L per plant @ 6.0PH Pinch of CalMag - (0.2-0.4EC) 3ml/1L BioBloom 2ml/1L PM Pro Soil (Enzymes + Microbes) 👇 Day 73 [29/01 Monday] - Going to start flushing the Sour Hound, White Train and the outdoor strain from today. They seem ready to go. Going to give the rest a flush aswell just incase they getting too much nutes. I dont believe in flushing, but in gradually lowering the EC. 😵 Flushing sounds like bro science to me. Fed 4L per plant @ 5.9PH Pinch of CalMag - (0.2EC) 1ml/1L BioBloom 2ml/1L PM Pro Soil (Enzymes + Microbes) 0.1/1l Humic Mix I actually think the yellowing of the leaves on the Sativas is due to the lights... so lifted them higher. 👇 Day 74 [30/01 Tuesday] - Carried on with the flushes. Going to harvest the outdoor plant tomorrow and the White Train :) Excited. Fed 2.5L per plant @ 5.9PH Pinch of CalMag - (0.2EC) 1ml/1L BioBloom 2ml/1L PM Pro Soil (Enzymes + Microbes) 👇 Day 75 [31/01 Wednesday] - Harvest day. Gave them one last flush in the morning and then put them in the Drying tent for some darkeness. Feeding for Outdoor + White Train and Sour Hound Fed 5L per plant @ 5.9PH Pinch of CalMag - (0.1EC) 0.5ml/1L BioBloom 2ml/1L PM Pro Soil (Enzymes + Microbes) Fed the rest Fed 2.4L per plant @ 5.9PH Pinch of CalMag - (0.1EC) 1ml/1L BioBloom 2ml/1L PM Pro Soil (Enzymes + Microbes) Dam trimming is a bitch! Buds are massive :) Pretty impressed with the outdoor plant i must say, decent wet weight for such a small plant. Cut the plant off at the base, couldnt finish trimming the White Train tonight so hung her up, drying all my buds on the drying rack and removed the stems, my humidity is between 55% - 65% which is perfect. 👇 Day 76 [01/02] Thursday - Damm hours of trimming today, the White Train is finally done :). I must say the White Train grew alot of dense Golf ball nugs but also alot of popcorn nugs man. Got around 650g Wet Trimmed from the White Train. No time to feed the rest today, will do the watering tomorrow. I cut the main cola off of the Sour Hound and began the trim there aswell, massive nug man im proud. 👇 Day 77 [02/01] Friday - Continued the flush on the Sour Hound and CalMagDef White Dwarf and gave the rest a stronger feeding. Continued trimming the Sour Hound today, cut off the rest of the main buds and leaving the small buds behind to grow abit. Also cut down the CalMag Def White Dwarfs main cola. Flush: Fed 4L per plant @ 5.9PH Pinch of CalMag - (0.1EC) 2ml/1L BioBloom 2ml/1L PM Pro Soil (Enzymes + Microbes) Rest: Fed 4L per plant @ 5.9PH Pinch of CalMag - (0.1EC) 4ml/1L BioBloom 2ml/1L PM Pro Soil (Enzymes + Microbes) 👇 So far happy with the results. The 2 outdoor strains suprized me. Quite happy with the 650g wet from the White Train. The Sour Hounds main cola alone was i believe 89g Wet Trimmed, so far at around 550g with the Sour Hound, still have alot of buds left on the plant. Very very happy with the Sour Hound, only gave me big fat nugs. 🙌Will add the harvest week soon once they have dried out and still got a few nugs left to harvest on the Sour Hound. Quite sad i have to change this to a 1 strain diary, will create a new diary with the rest of the strains listed. This diary will be focusing on my pride and joy the fat Sour Hound by Mephisto. 😇
Week 12. Flowering
7 years ago
24 hrs
28 °C
65 %
22 °C
19 L
4 L
35 cm
Nutrients 5
Raw CalMag Supplement 0.1 mll
Humix Mix 0.1 mll
Fulvic Mix 0.1 mll
👉Week 12, Lovely week of getting high on my own supply haha😊 👽👽👽 Day 78 [03/02 Saturday] - Just a checkup, things looking good and getting a nice slow dry in our enviroment. Not looking forward to more trimming. 👇 Day 79 [04/02 Sunday] - Sadly ran out of Microbes/Enzymes... Fed 4L per plant @ 5.9PH Pinch of CalMag - (0.1EC) 2ml/1L BioBloom 👇 Day 80 [05/02 Monday] - Dabs, White Dwarf main nugs were harvest today, leaving the rest for later. 👇 Day 81 [06/02 Tuesday] - Dabs, cant remember the feeding schedule.. busy week with all the new weed to smoke lol 👇 Day 82 [07/02 Wednesday] - Made BHO dabs with the trim, pretty nice :) 👇 Day 83 [08/02 Thursday] - Fed this if i remember correctly. Fed 4L per plant @ 5.9PH Pinch of CalMag - (0.1EC) 2ml/1L BioBloom 0.1ml/1L Humic and Fulvic Acid. 0.25ml/1L BioGrow 👇 Day 84 [09/01] Friday - Just checked up on the drying and jarred up some buds. 👻👻👻 Sorry for the lack of info this week, didn't expect the trimming to be this time consuming and draining lol.
Week 13. Flowering
7 years ago
24 hrs
28 °C
65 %
22 °C
19 L
4 L
35 cm
Nutrients 4
Raw CalMag Supplement 0.1 mll
Kelpak 0.5 mll
Molasses 1 mll
👉Week 13, Chilled week, these Sativa Dominant strains are taking forever to finish... think im going to move these 3 to the smaller tent and start the next seasons grow. 👽👽👽 Day 85 [10/02 Saturday] - Buds are curing nicely in the jars, smell is really potent. Fed 4L per plant @ 5.8PH Pinch of CalMag - (0.1EC) 2ml/1L BioBloom 0.5ml/1L Kelp 👇 Day 86 [11/02 Sunday] - Just a checkup, plants looking good. Not sure whats wrong with the RQS Diesel, hermie or something? 👇 Day 87 [12/02 Monday] - Remember the plant that got really sick and we moved outside, well she started budding again and actually got a decent harvest off of here, didnt weigh it out just made live BHO one time haha and fuck its strong, came out as crumble, almost like toffee. Just a normal watering. Fed 4L per plant @ 5.8PH Pinch of CalMag - (0.1EC) 2ml/1L BioBloom 0.25ml/1L BioGrow 👇 Day 88 [13/02 Tuesday] - Finally got my work bench and i fucking love it haha. Makes life easier :) 👇 Day 89 [14/02 Wednesday] - Finally got some mollases :) Fed 4L per plant @ 5.8PH Pinch of CalMag - (0.1EC) 2ml/1L BioBloom 0.5ml/1L Kelp 1TBPS Molasses 👇 Day 90 [15/02 Thursday] - Trimmed the rest of the Sour Hound today, fuck trimming. Wet weight looking really good. Looking to get around 120g per dry plant. 👇 Day 91 [16/01] Friday - Just some watering... Must say Molasses taste good. Fed 4L per plant @ 5.8PH Pinch of CalMag - (0.1EC) 2ml/1L BioBloom 0.5ml/1L Kelp 1TBPS Molasses 👻👻👻 ✋Our picture game has been quite week lately, sorry for the lack of pics. Defiantly going to take a day off dedicated to taking pics for you guys and also showing off the new desk.😇 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 So sorry guys, this grow went on for 15 weeks, i accidentally put the harvest down and now i dont want to mess up the diary by adding week 14 and 15 after the harvest. So for interest sake, heres my week 14+15 logs. The dates could be wrong. Week 14, Things are going much Day 92 [17/02 Saturday] - Cut Down and Trimmed the rest of the CalMag White Dwarf, yield looking really good man. :))) Day 93 [18/02 Sunday] - Gave a feeding to the kids. Cut down and trimmed the rest of the White Dwarf today, damm yields are much better than expected guys :) Fed 3.75L per plant @ 5.8PH Forgot the CalMag but a flush could be good. 2ml/1L BioBloom 1TBPS Molasses 5/15L Kelp Day 94 [19/02 Monday] - Just a check up today, will be harvesting the 2nd Sour Hound and 2nd White Train in this week. Leaving me with 2 kids left, thinking of moving them over to the small tent to get the next season grows going. The first Sour Hound harvested in finally dried out, and ready to be jarred. Going to do the big final review tomorrow and weigh out everything. Day 95 [20/02 Tuesday] - Gave a feeding to the kids. Fed 3.75L per plant @ 5.8PH 50ppm CalMag 2ml/1L BioBloom 1TBPS Molasses 5/15L Kelp Day 96 [21/02 Wednesday] - Dabs Day 97 [22/02 Thursday] - Didnt get a break to water today... Day 98 [23/01] Friday - Gave a feeding. Ran outa BioBloom so will skip it today, just need to refill the BioBloom tomorrow. Fed 3.75L per plant @ 5.8PH 50ppm CalMag 1TBPS Molasses 5/15L Kelp Week 15, Things are going much Day 92 [24/02 Saturday] - Cut down and trimmed down the enitre 2nd Sour Hound, much different stucture than the first one, much more on the Sativa side. Yield looking good. Day 93 [25/02 Sunday] - Just a feeding today, going to skip the trim of the White Train.. Fed 3.75L per plant @ 5.8PH 50ppm CalMag 2ml/1L BioBloom 1TBPS Molasses 5/15L Kelp Day 94 [26/02 Monday] - Cut down and trimmed the entire 2nd White Train, pretty simialr structure as the first one but this time the nugs are solid af dense nuggets, extremly solid and dense. Yield looking great. 2 plants left in the tent, going to move them over to the 2nd tent and get things ready for the next cycle. Beans are germinating. Day 95 [27/02 Tuesday] - Gave a feeding to the kids. Fed 3.75L per plant @ 5.8PH 50ppm CalMag 2ml/1L BioBloom 1TBPS Molasses Day 96 [28/02 Wednesday] - Jarred out the 2nd half of the nice White Dwarf. Got the RQS Diesel and Auto Lemon left in the tent. Day 97 [01/03 Thursday] - Didnt get a break to water today... Day 98 [02/03] Friday - Gave a feeding. Ran outa BioBloom so will skip it today, just need to refill the BioBloom tomorrow. Fed 3.75L per plant @ 5.8PH 50ppm CalMag 1TBPS Molasses
Grow Questions
Daboutstarted grow question 7 years ago
Growing in Coco organically opinions? How is the microbe/enzyme life in coco? Should i feed each watering? With Runoff? How long does organice nutes take to breakdown? Currently adding Microbe/Enzyme additive to my feeding to help with organic nutes to break down?
Leaves. Other
Jeff123fishanswered grow question 7 years ago
You have some very in-depth questions that maybe different for every nute brand you buy but in general microbes live for up to two weeks. As for the speed at which nutes break down I’m not sure as it would depend on a lot of factors and exactly what you are asking for me to answer. So in my humble opinion you could cut back the microbe use to once a week with out having any adverse affects
Week 14. Harvest
7 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
My favorite strain out of the bunch, incredibly satisfied with this strain, i could smoke it forever. Luckily i got 2 more beans, maybe i should buy more before they stocked out as i believe Mephisto dont breed there seeds for long so its gone... gone forever lol. 😭 But overall a amazing and fun strain to grow, the nugs were all extremly dense, fat and just carried alot of weight to each nug. They were massive on the kola but once taken down and cured it was like little golf balls. The smell calms me on its own, wish i scould describe it... sour,sweet,citrusy,dank smell? Fuck knows 😅 and it looks great, nice light green with a shit ton of red pistils 😍 The strain looked amazingly beautiful guys, all the buds were large and dense and had value, it was honestly just a beauty and we took our time giving this strain a A trimming. Best looking nuggets in town. Defiantly going to grow this strain again and i highly recommend it for beginners, pretty easy strain to grow just watch out for mold as the buds lean towards the indica side and are pretty dense and solid. I sadly ran into mold with this strain but it was only at the tip of the main super dense fat kola and my humidity was 60% . I really love this strain guys 😝
Show more
Spent 92 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
212.5 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Euphoric, Relaxed, Sleepy
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects
Diesel, Pungent, Tropical

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
😌Fuck that was alot of work 😅Sorry for the late update, been enjoying myself too much latey 😇 Anyways that was a lovely experience and glad it could happen. The yield blew me away, we ended up with around 1.7kg of trimmed, dried and cured bud... 😵 Althou the last 2 strain did come out pretty shit 😞. I believe it was the Lemon Auto (The seeds got mixed up a long time ago😶 , some were tagged thou) Its smells like sewage...? Its not mold.. and the RQS Diesel Auto Foxtailed extremly bad... these were both the last 2 plants to get cut down. Our average humidity was always above 60% so naturally we ran into some mold, not too bad but it did take down some big buds, i would say max 30g of bud was affected by mold but hey we made dabs with it😎 Defiantly need to invest in a commercial sized dehumidifier and there goes the power bill 😒 Remember the 9th plant that got quite sick and i took outside to die, she came back alive and started rebudding, gave a decent yield, didnt weight it out as we just made live bho dabs. Fuck the dabs are potent, ive been smoking brick weed dabs all my life and now this 😂😍 The sugar leaves make some pretty decent dabs, going to make bubble hash soon. I hate trimming. For the next grow defiantly going to do some heavy mainlining to make the harvest job easier. I dont mind the extra wait and i believe the coco will have fast recovery times. I also have my feeding schedule sorted out, having a buddy experiment with my new improved schedule and his plants are looking 110%. I ran into alot of problems but they were rookies mistakes, my own fuck ups Im positive the next grow will be much smoother. It was a fun learning curve. 💪 Flushing... sorry to say sounds like bro science to me, dont get me wrong i do believe in gradually lowering your EC/ppm nut not straight out giving it only water for the last 2 weeks especially in coco. I actually only gave 1 of my plants water molasses for the last week and i noticed no notifiable differences... smoked after 1 month cured. So yeah i ain't the biggest believer of those crazy flushes. 👻 So hear are the final yields: Sour Hound : My favourite, has the best smell and just looks amazing. Dense fat nuggets 177g Sour Hound V2 : This one came outt abit ugly, and took much longer to finish so i believe the weight is due to it being in the tent longer with more space. 260g White Train : So far seems to be our most potent strain and another good looking nug. 184g White Train v2 : Also came out abit ugly like the Sour Hound's V2 and took longer to finish. 261g White Dwarf : Beautiful strain, not the biggest punch but nice and mellow. 221g White Dwarf V2 : The CalMag baby, ran into a calmag problem so was permantly scarred with the calmag plague and lost its beauty. 173g RQS Diesel : The last harvested plant along the Lemon. Heavy foxtail... So far at 184g, with still loads to weigh out. Lemon Auto: Stinks like sewage... So far at 177g, with few buds to weigh out. Gram per watt = 1.7g/w - 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 Outdoor: Mutant : Single Kola Around 20g Lemon Auto: Around 30g Indoor - Outdoor Dab slave: Filled up a 90g BHO Tube.. wasn't stuffed. Note: I highly apologize for the lack of highly quality bud shots, lost access to that good camera and ive been really stoned lately guys 😒😒😒 I forgot to add week 14 15 in guys, if your interested i added those logs to Week 13, go check it out. 0
Equipment Reviews


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TheMachinistcommentedweek 127 years ago
Awesome journal and grow, seems we both decided to fill up a medium tent, I thought 6 plants in a 4'x4' tent would leave plenty of room lol, but my tent is so crowded I didn't need to stake most of em, they're holding each other up. I'm starting to worry about how much time trimming is going to take, but i'll take that over a sub par harvest. Happy toking and look forward to your next round.
wheedtobeus420commented7 years ago
@TheMachinist, My thoughts exactly i can fit 9 staggered plants in there no problem.... almost harvest time... like damn its packed..... maybe just a couple less next time. haha best of luck.
BudKingsGrowcommentedweek 97 years ago
Garden is looking great despite nutes and sick girl!! One thing I will note about BioBizz nutes (I've used them for all my grows and have always been pleased) is that they work best when full lineup is utilized. Root-Juice allows an optimal development of the roots of the plant. It moreover stimulates the growth of the plants that are already rooted because Root-Juice imitates the natural life of the soil in the surroundings of the rooting. Through the strong growth of the roots, the plant is better prepared to absorb nutrients, Bio-Heaven improves the effects of all foliar sprays and fertilizers used to feed the plant. At the same time Bio-Heaven rids the plant of toxins, it repairs the chlorophyll production and restimulates the plant. By using Bio-Heaven the plants’ energy will be increased! Use during the entire grow and flowering period of the plant. Besides, it can be used on every substrate, on coco and in hydrosystems, Bio-Grow is a liquid growth fertilizer which can be applied to most types of soil and substrate mixtures. Bio-Grow activates the bacterial flora in the substrate thanks to it basis of 100% Dutch organic sugar beet extract, commonly known as vinasse. Vinasse is syrup that contains sugar, Fish-Mix enables substrates to stimulate bacterial flora and accelerate growth. It is an infusion of organic fish emulsion from the North Sea mixed together with extract of Dutch sugar beet. Fish-Mix boosts growth of all living organisms in the substrate, as well as improving and stimulating production of microorganisms and useful bacteria in every type of soil and coco-based substrates, Alg-A-Mic ensures green leaves, by stimulating the absorption of chlorophyll. Alg-A-Mic contains a low level of NPK, therefore it is impossible to create an Alg-A-Mic overdose, Bio-Bloom is a complete liquid organic fertilizer which contains a small amount of nitrogen and enough phosphorous and potassium to ensure exuberant flowering. Trace elements and hormones of vegetable origin are also added to improve the flowering process. It also contains enzymes and amino acids, which work in harmony with the soil to promote flowering and fruit production. Potassium helps the forming and flowering of petals and bulbs. Phosphorus gives the nutrients that are necessary to make the calyces and the petals grow, and Top-Max is a 100% organic flowering strengtheners which has the threefold purpose of increasing the actual size and weight of clusters of flowers, leaving a sweet, smooth taste in the finished product and facilitating the uptake of nutrients by the plants. Top-Max liberates ions like calcium, iron and magnesium, which stimulate the metabolism of the plant.
DabCrabcommentedweek 27 years ago
MMMMM. Dabs :D
Teamdirtbag2commented7 years ago
@DabCrab, ha ha ha, well said. Nice job in explaining the difference.
Daboutcommented7 years ago
@DabCrab, Top Kek 😆
DabCrabcommented7 years ago
@SadBoyDabs710, NP. Now if you want to open a photography studio I'd say go buy a whole mess of LUX meters. You are going to need them.
Show More (26)
Rippercommentedweek 67 years ago
Excellent looking garden. Hope the cal mag works.
Daboutcommented7 years ago
@Ripper, Forever scarred 😪
Rippercommented7 years ago
@SadBoyDabs710, they will not disappear.
Daboutcommented7 years ago
@Ripper, Thank you bro, She seems to have recovered, although the spots from the CalMag issue will never disappear if im correct.
Rippercommentedweek 77 years ago
Another great updatelove all the pictures.
Rippercommented7 years ago
@SadBoyDabs710, whatever it takes
Daboutcommented7 years ago
@Ripper, Thanks to the wife 😇
Jeff123fishcommentedweek 87 years ago
First time grow? With cobs a tent full canopy , this looks borderline professional
Daboutcommented7 years ago
@Jeff123fish, When i do something, i do it right 😌 Thanks man
PigBearMancommentedweek 87 years ago
Wow, what an amazing setup. Thumbs up for this. You always know what you get when you pay a bit more... I mean you could have take the 3070's... Nice choice dude. 😊
Daboutcommented7 years ago
@PigBearMan, Thank you man 💪
ThatGuyWhoFishescommentedweek 147 years ago
Really well done on the outcome man! I've been following your grow for the past few weeks and you've really done so well for your first grow. I must also say a huge thanks to you and your buddy for helping me out with my grow. I'd be nowhere without help from you guys. Hopefully you guys get to test out my product sometime too 😎😁
BudKingsGrowcommentedweek 117 years ago
And dont forget for next time that only single strain GDs are eligible for Diary of the Month contest... Your GD here would be the winner in my mind!!
PigBearMancommentedweek 37 years ago
Time travel check. Keep it up dude. Looks like you know what you're doin'.👍
fragscommentedweek 87 years ago
DIY DIY DIY Good job mate, its really perfect setup. Very fun and interesting to watch your diary. 👍👌
fragscommented7 years ago
@SadBoyDabs710,thanks for the info dude ill take a look !🙏Appreciated
Daboutcommented7 years ago
@@frags, Defiantly got all the time in the world haha 😅 Its pretty simple man, if i could do it so could you, checkout GrowMau5 on YouTube for everything COB. Thank you man, big thanks to the lady for the pics 😇
fragscommented7 years ago
@SadBoyDabs710,i dont understand much about leds or cobs and its handmade dude you have some skills and time for it. im really enjoy watch the pictures. Best of luck
Show More (1)
fragscommentedweek 107 years ago
Wowww, u will have massive yield bro. its really awesome setup and ladies are perfect. How many plants you have bro?
Jaindohcommented7 years ago
@SadBoyDabs710, i think youll be pleasantly surprised
Daboutcommented7 years ago
@@frags, I hope so man, had a Cal-Mag deficiency on one, nutrient burn on 2, some yellowing on another one and haha some fucked up issue with the baby that died. Got 8 in there now, hoping i pull atleast 500g dry. 😌
Velk1commentedweek 17 years ago
Banging set up I'm looking to do a diy cob build soon your canopy looks strong going to be some great yielding plants
Velk1commented7 years ago
@SadBoyDabs710,I'll be sure to keep an eye on your grow 👌🏾 and I've also been looking at quantum boards aswell only issue is they are always sold out of the ones I want 😂 The par value and energy consumption levels are serious
Daboutcommented7 years ago
@Velk1, Thanks man 😁 Can't go wrong with COBS, best option out there atm along side Quantums.
BudKingsGrowcommentedweek 87 years ago
Looking good this week! Excellent details too! Hope your sick Lady makes a speedy recovery 😃
BudKingsGrowcommented7 years ago
@SadBoyDabs710, Dang... What the hell? Wonder what's going on with her?
Daboutcommented7 years ago
@BudKingsGrow, Got worse, but today it seems as the buds are starting to grow again and fatten up. Honestly not sure what went down and hopefully i can salvage a few grams from her. Perhaps i should just move here outside.... 😒
Zannabis7commentedweek 77 years ago
This is a KILLER looking grow. I see some experience shining through here. Nice job! I see we are both utilizing the 24/0 light schedule with our autoflowers. Not many of us do this beginning to end of grow. I am attempting my first "topless" SCROG (trying to bend instead) with 6 different strains right now. It would be cool if you would like/follow along and make a suggestion or two. - Zannabis7
Zannabis7commented7 years ago
@SadBoyDabs710, Thanks for checking my GDs out. Wow, free power - how so? Lucky you 😊
Daboutcommented7 years ago
@Zannabis7, Thank you, will defiantly make a turn and checkout your GD 😇 Only utilizing 24/0 as power is for FREE 😆
Dunk_Junkcommentedweek 77 years ago
I'm loving your LED setup!!!
Dunk_Junkcommented7 years ago
@SadBoyDabs710, COBs are where I will end up lighting wise. Good luck dude!! 👍
Daboutcommented7 years ago
@Dunk_Junk, Thank you man, big shoutout to GrowMau5 😎 for showing us the truth and the ways man haha, fuck MarzHydro and similar LED companies. Its shiet and overpriced. But yeah im loving these COBS man and my plants are defiantly showing it even after all my fuck ups. 😁
MissDemeanorcommentedweek 87 years ago
Nothing small about that gang of dwarfs. Watch out them...They look dangerous!!
Daboutcommented7 years ago
@MissDemeanor, 😎😏
islandgrows89commentedweek 77 years ago
Daboutcommented7 years ago
fayabedcommentedweek 77 years ago
really high level your bud is beautiful and you have something to do :) I drool
Daboutcommented7 years ago
@fayabed, 😁Gratefull of what i have 😇
BudKingsGrowcommentedweek 77 years ago
Just came across your grow today! What a GD you have produced! Pretty amazing for your first grow and fully custom Grow Setup! Keep up that good work!!
Daboutcommented7 years ago
@BudKingsGrow, Always do my best 😅 Thanks man will keep it coming 😁
the end.
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