And we're off on another grow. I decided to grow photoperiods because I want some more control over the shape of the plants and I don't want as much stress when it comes to getting everything perfect. After growing 7 plants last grow I decided I only want to take care of 3 on this grow. When temperatures get above 50 degrees outside I tend to spend as much time in the great outdoors as I can. I didn't want to work around a feeding schedule and try to do all of the things I want to do outside of growing.
I was planning to do a grow without feminized seeds but that would involve learning how to clone and right now I'd rather just grow some feminized seeds. I'm going to learn to clone on my next grow.
I'm thinking if I veg these girls for about 6 weeks with some topping and training I should be able to get 4 ounces per plant which will be more than enough for me. I have a medical need for cannabis so the thought of running out causes me a lot of anxiety. After this last grow I'm far less worried about running out and I'm getting more confident in my ability to provide for my needs. I don't have a set schedule and will flip them over to flower when I think they're ready to provide what I need.
The Orange Gasm is a well known Nitrogen hog per Jeff Rasta (Irie Seeds) and needs ALOT the first 3-4 weeks of flowering. Your plants look light, and I'm guessing you need more. Just a suggestion.