
I49 Zkittlez Feminized

4 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 4
18 hrs
Light Schedule
12+ conditions after
Commented by
Ganjee Ganjee
4 years ago
I have not changed much. They are looking healthy just small. They are in a 5 gallon. It might be the Light I am using. It is 1500w. The light is my Flower tent is a MH and I see a big difference in growth. When budget permits. I think I will upgrade to a mars hydro. It looks like the plant is enjoying the soil so far.
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Grow Questions
Ganjeestarted grow question 4 years ago
Should my plant not be bigger being in week 2 of vegetation?
Feeding. Deficiences
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HandyTecanswered grow question 4 years ago
Size varies a lot based on Strain, Light, soil and water. Mostly Strain. I have had some plants start off growing like crazy and others just take their sweet time. I do know that once the roots hit the bottom of your container/pot it will start to shoot up quickly. We start our seeds and little clones off in just a small 1"x1" cube. Once the roots are showing they move into a 4" pot for about 2 weeks where they start growing up quickly before they get moved into 1 gal pots. Then 2 weeks later into their final 5 gal pots. I know some prefer not to have the stalled period that happens when you transplant, but I like big plants and always try to get them to at least 24" tall for indicas and 36" for sativas/hybrids, just my personal preference. Yours looks healthy, so just give it another couple of weeks.
Ganjeestarted grow question 4 years ago
I have transplanted to a 5gallon pot now. Equal mix of Fox Farm Happy frog, ocean forest, and Promix HP. Added perlite, dolomite lime to 5.9 ph. Should this be a ok mix. Also how long do these normally last. Before needing to add liquid nutes
Feeding. Other
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chasv77answered grow question 4 years ago
Wow Ocean Forest and Happy Frog and other additives? OF runs a little hot all by itself, while HF is loamy and dense. Let us know if you have soil compaction by end of grow. -> Dolomite might help that out, even with perlite in it. As far as how long the soil lasts before you add liquid nutes, I'll give my scenario. I run FFOF and Light Warrior in a 3/1 solution, and I never feed until after at least 30 days. With HF instead, your micronutrients could last even longer. But if you dont like your how your vegetative plants look, before that, you could start the feedings at a 50% strength.
Ganjeestarted grow question 4 years ago
Are they ready to be topped yet. I want to top them then start LST training. I have never done this before. What advice how I should do this.
Techniques. Topping
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OutForRealanswered grow question 4 years ago
It is a bit young to top them , early topping is after the 5th node and average is after the 7th. I suggest you to practice lst before topping , like start the bending when the plant can handle it to create a flat canopy and expose the secondaries to more light and couples days after practice toping to promote the secondaries growth
Smokeys_Gardenanswered grow question 4 years ago
Yes. It can be topped. 4 to 5 nodes is plenty.

Show by Week
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Ferencweek 3
Good Luck! :) @Ganjee
@Ferenc, Thank you!
Smokeys_Gardenweek 5
Yes. It can be topped. Usually 4 to 5 nodes is a good time.