So I forgot to mention about half of the clones went into flower from transplant shock I guess. Not sure exactly how it happened because I used a few different methods. Experimenting with Oxyclone unit and Rockwool. I think it was mostly the clones that were oxycloned due to shock from transplanting from water to coco. Almost all of the rockwool clones rooted fine but it did seem to take about a week longer. Lesson learned and I will do my best to get these re-vegged and just see what happens. Also, I did my best to keep strains organized and felt confident with leaf identification but now with some moving around I feel like I'm not sure what strains are what lol. Guess I should label them before I get too high and forget again.
Topped the biggest ones that were not struggling to re-veg and re-potted into final 1 gal fabric containers. This will be an attempt at a quicker run with less veg time than usual. Probably 2 weeks instead of 5-6. Just waiting to finish flowering run in the tent and these babies will be ready to go in.