She's looking really healthy! Some nice early bud sites starting to develop on the tops. I count 7 main stems that look like they have the potential to yield some nice buds. No deficiencies or anything to note. I just got a bigger tent along with some new gear, and I plan to move this girl over to the new tent since she's getting pretty cramped right now. Very excited to watch this bloom progress.
Nice looking plant! I loved my AFGooey. I just tried to regrow it, but I had seed issues. I have 1 more seed to try. Hope it turns out as good as yours. Good luck.
@Quexos, I had issues germinating my first Afgooey seed as well. For this plant, I germinated in rock wool under a humidity dome and transplanted the cube into the current soil pot once roots started popping through the bottom of the cube. This worked well for me, and she's been very strong ever since! Good luck to you my friend.